Bluwberry's Nightmare (Pastry Knight)

Blueberry cried and cried but nothing could stop what happened to him, mummah took him back to the shelter for making bad poopies, the shelter meanies took away his weggies, ripped out his teeth and he watched as his mummah bought a new, better fluffy that wouldn’t make bad poopies and left him behind without even saying goodbye. The shelter meanies carried his crying sobbing form and plonked him down somewhere he recognised, the big litter tray in the foal room that he grew up in, he was surrounded by the shits of dozens of little foals who looked at him with confusion, fear and sadness.

The shelter meanie spoke loudly “Listen here you little fucks, if you make ‘bad poopies’ after your new ‘mummahs’ and daddehs’ take you home, this is what happens to you. This ‘poopie’ fluffy made ‘bad poopies’ and made their ‘mummah’ very angry, they are going to teach you why you should never ever poop outside of the litter box.”

Blueberry woke with a start, the most terrible nightmare, thankfully it wasn’t true his mummah had told him that it was okay that he had made bad poopies and said that she was very proud of him for clearing up his own accidents and told him that if he had accidents in future, he would never have to num the poopies ever again, that she would help him clean it up.

Blueberry Confronted (Pastry_Knight) - Fluffy Image Self-Posting - FluffyCommunity (


I’ve been meaning to ask about the cleaning situation. I know Blueberry has been eating his own messes but like… the germs are still there. With how frequently he’s been shitting the floor without his owner knowing, her house is in desperate need of a steam mopping!


fluffies are messy creatures at the best of times, the owners saturday mornings usually consist of cleaning up the saferoom


Cat poops outside the litterbox Poor thing must be sick, or maybe the box is too dirty, I’ll clean it.
Fluffy poops outside the litterbox RIP OUT IT’S TEETH


Well that usually not the case, they’re just lazy fucks who clearly know they’re being bad. Also teeth is a light punishment

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just want to point out that this is a nightmare that the fluffy is having, I wanted to draw this for moron/bad-owner stuff but didnt want to just end the story of this little butt brownie muncher just yet


Yeah I saw it was a dream, I was just being silly! It’s a good story, thumbs up!

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Well if fluffys didn’t want harsh punishments for things they should know, then they shouldn’t have gross mockeries of human intelligence and reasoning

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Cats actually have style.
( Warning: the writer may, in fact, have an active dislike of “negroes” )


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poor guy…

Also, your art is really improving, great job!