Bonko’s Big Adventure (FinalCH: Safe and Sound in the Circus) (maggot_clown)

“Oh! Save me! Save me!”

Bonko looked on at the smoking house, a fire brigade helmet sat atop his head, lopped to one side due to its size. Cries for help called out from the very top window, barely making it through the crackling flames. “Duh fiyuh-fightews sabe you, buwny huwties wady!”

The fluffy sprung into action, sprinting towards his fellow clowns stationed by a rather small fire truck, yanking a hose-pipe from its side. Of course, it should be as simple as bringing it over to the house and spraying water at the flames, but it never could be that easy. The first clown to grab the hose turned the water pressure on, confidently aiming towards one of the house’s windows, but was confused to see as nothing came out. Haphazardly, they put at eye to the nozzle, where the water suddenly sprayed out in a strong torrent, knocking them off their feet. Bonko attempted to take over the duty of wielding the hose, grasping it in his jaws as he weaved in between the legs of the other clowns. Unfortunately, none of them had good foresight, and soon found themselves tumbling to the floor as the pipe tugged their legs out from under them. Bashfully, the fluffy clown hid his face in his gloved hooves.

Another idea spawned from one of the clownish firefighters, rushing behind the truck and coming back out with a small trampoline. The others looked on at them with disbelief, before yet another plan was enacted; the clowns all gathered just infront of the house and, with great foolish composure, clambered up eachother’s shoulders, until they finally reached the top window, where a clown lady peered out with terror on her painted face.

“Save my baby first!” She squawked in horror, as a larger clown, dressed in a large baby bonnet and onesie, tumbled out from the window and into the arms of the clown stood at top, effectively causing the tower to collapse backwards. Meanwhile, Bonko had made himself useful, assisting another one of the clowns in dragging the trampoline closer to the house. Just as it got close enough, the lady clown at the top window tested fate and threw herself down, screaming the whole way, until landing flat on the trampoline, elegantly front-flipping off.

Then, the fire finally stopped with a mechanical pssshhhh, the darkened circus tent lighting up slightly. All the performers, including Bonko, gathered up before the entertained crowd, all giving a thankful bow, or rather a cheerful nod of the head in the fluffy’s case.

“Give a round of applause for our very brave clowns!” The ringmaster announced, amplifying the already loud clapping to a louder level. Bonko giggled in delight, waddling over to the legs of one of the clowns, to which he was scooped up and given a cuddle for a job well done. He’d never been so happy to have done a performance in his life, especially with how long he’d been separated from his clown friends. He didn’t listen as the ringmaster announced the next act, too busy snuggling into a bright-coloured shoulder carrying him out of the main circle.

The best part about the end of a performance was the treats he’d get for doing a good job. Bonko was simply ecstatic, sitting in the playpen in the dressing area, to see as his caretaker entered with a fresh bowl of spaghetti noodles for him, tomato sauce poured over the top. “Tank’ou fow sketties, mummah! Wub ou!” He chimed as the bowl was placed before him, giving himself a cheerful honk of the nose. His caretaker chuckled, giving him a pet on the head, much to his joy.

“I’m glad your all happy and healthy, Bonko. I’ve been so stressed this past week about you,” She explained, in a way which may as well had been rhetorical as Bonko was too busy digging into his spaghetti, “when some people saw me put up those missing posters for you, they just told me to buy another fluffy. But your irreplaceable, Bonko. Me and all your clown friend love you so much.”

Bonko just grinned obliviously at the mention of love, his tail flailing back and forth in happiness. He’d missed all this terribly; the love, the warmth, the good food. His time away from the circus had only really been brief, but he was still overwhelmingly thankful to be back.

“Now, make sure you finish your sketties, alright? You’ll have to go visit some fluffy friends in the local abandon shelter later. The poor things need some cheering up, and you’re just perfect for that,” She announced, making her way out of the room.

“Bonko wub make nyu fwiends hab bigges’ happies!” The fluffy clown grinned, before digging back into his spaghetti, not registering as a particularly crunchy meatball squealed in between his teeth.

“Bonko wub sketty nummies…”


As foretold

Now, on to The Mystey of the Missing Poopie Foal: A Circus Mystery!

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