Been thinking this for a while, sucks i have no clue how to program XD
But yeah a fluffy style tamagochi/digimon toy/game
You start with a capsule (from my munchkin fluffy idea, but could also be foal in a can) and it becomes a chirpy then foal. Depending on how you care of the foal it become one of the 3 species, and those 3 can become its hugbox to abuse variations. the final stages being variations of alicorns, and at the end your fluffy can become a soon mummah or a litter pal depending on how you treated it in life
It’ll leave a capsule (or foal-in-a-can) that starts you with better initial status (which would be like happiness/hunger) that can help get other evolutions for the collection or the fluffy dies and you start from zero with no extra benefits.
its in alpha and is very rough but its functional. its very limited right now, floor dont even have texture, fluffys dont have animation (beside drawning and flayling when on a grinder) so they walk around basically floating. Also no reproduction or babys in this version, just adult fluffys that can grow to over 200 years old if they dont die of hunger/thirst/abuse
It’s an interesting alpha, fun for a few minutes for the novelty
edit: oh yeah theres also a kick button that makes the fluffy ragdoll. these kinda stiff robotic fluffys inspired me to make the Boopco Munchkins XP