Booty (common_miracle)


Despite the fluffie’s engineered behaviour, they do not have all of their designed skills come to them automatically as they develop. One of them is the importance of making “good poopies” - releiving themselves only into the litter box. This skill is “asleep” when the foal is born until being activated by either the teachings of fluffy’s mummah or a human owner. When the fluffy is old enought to understand words and walk, all it takes to litter train them is showing them the litter box, marking the distinction between good and bad poopies and having some sort of punishment when the fluffy does not take the teaching’s seriously. The context in-between should come to them without any further effort.

Despite the ease of the process, most people expect for their new companions to come litter trained when they shop for them in one of the official Fluffy distribution sources. Thus before the fluffies are set on the display or before they are sent to the buyer they are trained on-site.

In one of the Fluff-Mart’s, on the cellar-level there was a room dedicated to litter training. It was a special purpose room because only especially stubborn or defective fluffies who were already ordered online were sent here. It had a simple play and sleep area, multiple litter boxes of different shapes and colors scattered along the walls and a big, enclosed, glass pen in the corner. If a fluffy corrected their behaviour and made only good poopies it was ready for the sale and removed from the room. On the other hand if the fluffy made a mistake they were placed in the glossy enclosure adhered by both the staff and it’s fluffy residents as the “sorry box”.

The sorry box was entered through a tiny circle-shaped door cut in glass, there was another square door for the removal of a singular litter box that this prison had and a detachable top frame. It was designed so that the misbehaving fluffies could experience the full consequences of bad poopies - the fecal matter made outside the litter box was never taken out, there were no toys or nests for sleeping, only the somewhat comfy carpet floor and an overwhelming foul odor inside. On top of that the lack of proper ventilation made it hot and they were observed by fluffies outside and made fun off. Since most misbehaving specimens were ones with the smartie syndrome or their accomplices, the special training room was visited almost exclusively by stallions.

There were a few fluffies who weren’t meant for sale and resided in the sorry box daily. Their purpose was to scare the newcomers into behaving as they were the most disgusting fluffies around. All of them would not behave and were only let out if they somewhow made good poopies for a while or cleaned the box by eating the bad poopies. While out, they made comments to other fluffies about how they hate them or their meanie-mummah’s who like locking them inside the sorry boxie, they also hated how they could not give sorry hoofies or they would go foreva-sleepies. This method was effective and not a single misbehaving new arrival would ever have to stay in the sorry box for more than a single night.

An extra fluffy joined the sorry box group permanently for constantly stealing kibble and being a smarty. He had a bruised spot on his head and was made to wear a little hat that was attached to the plaster on the wound. He liked this hat because it made him “wook weaw handsom”. With time many generations of misbehaving fluffies made their way in and outside the room. The “scary poopie fluffies” did their jobs without comprehending it. Recently a unique behaviour seems to have developed amongst them - they were obsessing over the word “booty” and “giving” or “eating” it. Every new stallion which came into the sorry box returned from there with more trauma than before. The blame was put on an intern who had a record of inappropriate behaviour at work already - this was the final straw and he was let go.

A recorded answer of a smartie, nicknamed “Johnson” - a long time inmate of the sorry box, when asked about the “booty” by the lab employee:

"We aww hab enfie desiwes wight? Su dewe’s bunch of fwuff’s wocked up, in wawm pwace, aww of them got enfie desiwes, su what am dey gon’ do? Dey nu can hab a mawe… dey gon’ hab eachothah. Some fwuff’s gon’ gib us some booty, an’ that’s simpwe.

In dis sowwybox, booty, booty was… mowe impowtant den nummies! Booty, the poopie pwace… was mowe impowtant, it was mowe… Habin’ some booty was mowe impowtant den dwinkin’ wawa, mistah.

Fwuffy wike booty.

When fwuffy see an’ otha fwuffie that wooks wike a gud enfie fwend. Will say: Come hewe new fwend! Fwuffy wike ‘ou an fwuffy wan’ 'ou. Nao, we can do dis dah easy way, ow dah hawd way, dah choice am youws.

An’ it was awways yes."


The aformentioned group was later introduced to a new environment of tidy, peacefull stallions. After just two days they reported to have taken booty of every other fluffy in the pen - some receiving the treatment multiple times. It had an interesting effect where the introduced behaviour has spread amongst the population. Especially between younger stallions who could not effectively resist them. Not being able to protect their own booty - they have taken interest in taking booty of others.

When a mare was introduced to the pen at a later date, she had received attention for a very limited time. All attempts at “making babbehs” have been aimed at her “booty” which made her upset and confused. Currently taking another stallion’s booty seems to be of greater value to the herd than being able to give proper special huggies… or remembering to sustain one’s self as found in one particular stallion who has nearly died both out of exhaustion and dehydration. The mare has completely ceased seeking reproduction within this herd. Further examination and testing of this behaviour may allow to passively reduce the number of feral fluffies in the future, by introducing them to the value of booty, thus decreasing their need for male-on-female reproduction. As feral mares usually depend on stallions to have enought food or a nest for their babies, they will be more likely to perish if stallions have less or next to no interest in them.


This is disturbingly intelligent, from fluffies. Nice analysis on rape as a factor in prison sociology and hierarchy!


The real show is down below. The booty baby!


Weird and gay af. I know the meme, but it’s still disturbing lol

Fucking comedy gold :ahahaha:

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The Boondocks is such a good, smart, fucked up show.

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Sucks that corpo fucks ran it into the ground


Yep. Adult Swim ruins so many of its properties. I can’t forgive them for leaving Metalocalypse hanging for so long. (One of my two best friends, who LOVED Metalocalypse, died before he could see the end.)


I know man i just hated that so much

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