Bottled [ By Paincil ]

It is a cold and stormy evening in the city, cars back up the roads for miles whilst a sea of multicolored umbrellas fill the busy streets as people make their way home from a long day at work. For a select few however, they must brave the harsh conditions as they have no place that they can truly call home, such is the case for the feral fluffy mother and her litter of three newborns.

The mother is a bright neon green color with muted purple mane and tail hair and on her back she carries a yellow pegasus, red earthie, and pink unicorn whom all desperately cling to their mother’s fur and let out frightened chirps whilst the mother makes her way through a dingy alleyway in search of a place for her to sleep for the night.

Thanks to the harsh weather conditions, the cardboard box which she and her partner had stayed in was taken by a crazed homeless man that claimed both it and the life of her lover whom was skinned and turned into a hat for the man. The mare’s heart was heavy with grief and her stomach growled in protest thanks to having not eaten that day.

Though, despite her abysmal luck on that day, things took a slight turn for the better as the harsh winds had managed to knock over a nearby garbage can and spilled its contents all over the cement. Without any hesitation, the mare sprinted towards the bounty of trash but in her haste she had neglected her young as the three young foals finally tumbled off of her back and landed in a shallow puddle.

“Dun wowwy bebbehs, Mummuh fin twashie nummies! Mak bestest miwkies fo bestest bebbehs!” She said excitedly, turning to face her foals whom were no longer on her back but instead were crying loudly for their mother to help rescue them from the puddle which thankfully was not deep enough to drown them yet. Realizing her mistake, she rushed over to her young and gingerly plucked them up one by one, each being soaking wet but otherwise unharmed by the fall.

Still, this gave the mother a new problem to deal with - her babies would surely die from the cold if she didn’t find them shelter and because of this she actually ignored eating and rummaged around in the trash for anything she could use to shelter herself and her young. Through pieces of sharp metal and broken she rummaged around through black plastic trash sacks until she came upon a large, empty apple juice container that had since lost its lid.

The aroma wafting from the jug was much better compared to the trash surrounding it, plus the opening seemed to be just large enough to put her foals inside. Whether it be desperation or sheer stupidity, she opted to put them inside the jug one after the other, letting them smell the faint sweet scent of the jug and lap up the few drops of stale juice left over before going back to digging in the trash to feed herself.

Initially it seemed that she had made the right choice in helping them into the jar, they were warm, safe, and now waterproof but the main issue arose when it came to feeding as they would have to nurse in the rain before being put back into the jug. As for the mother though, she had to sleep in the knocked over trash can and pray that no one came to set it back upright and trap both her and her young inside.

For nearly a week straight the feral family called the trash can their home as the mother ate whatever she could find in the can before calling to her babies to come and eat. In that time, the babies began to grow rapidly as well with them taking their first steps and being on the brink of opening their eyes, though with their rapid development it became increasingly difficult to get in and out of the apple juice jug which they had now grown attached to.

But, all things must come to an end, and the first day that the day the rain finally relented, the fluffy family would come to learn that they had far outstayed their welcome inside of the can.

It was early in the morning, the sun having finally driven away the coverage of thick, gray rain clouds so that it may finally dry the ground with its golden yellow rays. The mother yawned and stretched slightly from atop their trash pile before scarfing down a banana peel inside of their ‘bed’ which gave them the vital energy to produce milk for her foals. With a soft smile, she got up and made her way over to the apple juice jug, giving it a gentle shake whilst cooing ‘Bebbehs, am bwight tiwm. Mummuh mak miwkies fo bestest bebbahs.”

One by one, her young rose from their slumber and on shaky hooves clumsily made their way over to the bottle opening only for the mother’s worst fears to be realized - they were stuck inside of the jug, having grown far too big for them to get in and out at their leisure. “Mummuh!” the red foal called ‘Wew Mummuh? Wan miwkies!” meanwhile their siblings attempted to push their way past their sibling, eventually having the pink unicorn get nearly halfway out before becoming stuck herself and trapping the three of them.

Whilst the unicorn was relatively fine and gulping down their mother’s milk, the other two were far less fortunate as the foal now acted as a cork with their swollen belly only sealing the fate of their two siblings whom only had a limited supply of air left. The two did all that they could to free themselves by ramming their heads against the walls of the jug and letting out scared peeps whilst the mother attempted to remove the pudgy pink fluffy using her teeth to no avail - if she went down that rout she would end up bisecting her young. Having no options left, she would have to leave her foals in search of human assistance.

The sun was not the only one out that morning, as a heavy-set man wearing a greasy wife beater and stripped boxers lumbers down the stairs of his apartment complex towards the alley where they keep the trash bin only to step in a massive pile of feces and the one having made it standing just inches away from it

“What the fuck is this?!” the man exclaimed angrily, gesturing to the underside of his now shit-smeered white sock only for his question to be ignored as the culprit frantically told him “Pwese, nice mistah! Fwuffy nee hewp! Bebbehs am stuckies! Nee nummies!”

Initially he was just going to punt the creature, but upon closer inspection of the mess it had made by tearing open bags and using the can as a toilet, the man knew that something like that would be too good for the creature. He really didn’t want to deal with bullshit like this today, but since he was going to he figured that he might as well get some catharsis out of it.

“Sure thing shitrat, show me where they are” He says in an eerily calm tone, the fluffy quickly rounding the corner and leading him to the apple juice container and those trapped within it. In the short time that the mother had left, the air in the jug was becoming thin thanks to the foals panicking and trying to find a way out.

The yellow pegasus weakly tapped against the jug, letting out soft peeps as a desperate plea for help whilst the mother anxiously trotted in place waiting for his help “It otay bebbeh, Mummuh fin nice mistah! Gon hewp bebbehs!” She says proudly whilst the man assesses the situation. The foals were pretty much on the verge of death, but he wasn’t satisfied letting them off that easy, not in the slightest.

Grabbing the bottle, he held the thing up-right and began pushing down on the pink unicorn using the palm of his hand, the tubby foal chirping and flailing their limbs to no avail whilst showing their siblings below in fear-induced waste. Naturally, the mother was not pleased with his method of getting her baby unstuck as she placed her front hooves on the man’s hairy leg and stood on her hind ones “Nuu! Nu gib bebbeh hewties! Bebbehs am fo huggies an wub!”

“Listen rat, I know what I’m doing” The man grumbled “I can’t pull it out unless you want half a baby so I gotta push it in. If we wait any longer your other two babies will die, do you want that?” He asks, his words bouncing against the walls of the fluffy mother’s mind. Time seemed to slow for her as she tried to figure out just what needed to be done in order for her to be a ‘good mother’

On the one hand, he will have to hurt her bestest baby trying to push it down and get the others freed but on the other hand that was her bestest and if anything happened to her bestest then she was surely a bad mother. After a few seconds of mulling it over, she relented and allowed him to do what needed to be done, hanging her head in shame as the pink pegasus cried out for their mother as they were shoved back into the jar.

Over and over again she was pressed into the jar with each thrust of the hand becoming more forceful than the last. Finally, their frail body could no longer take the pressure, and with one final push their body was shoved into the jug at the cost of their own life thanks to their neck being snapped. A mournful SCREE sounded out from the mother as she saw the lifeless corpse of their bestest plop to the bottom on top of her siblings whom tried to aid their sister by hugging her.

Thankfully, her sacrifice was not in vain as the jug slowly began to fill with air again, the two remaining foals inside finally realizing the gravity of the situation as their optimism turned to sadness. Little did they know, they would soon be joining their sister, as the man placed the jug on the ground against the cold brick wall and flipped his cock over the edge of his boxers.

The foals were completely helpless as the red earthie felt the cool air from the jug entrance and for the first time in their life opened their eyes to witness the world only to be just as quickly be blinded as they were hit square in the face with a heavy golden stream and the jug was gradually filled with the man’s urine, which thanks to a night of heavy drinking and channel surfing he had more than enough to drown the wretched creatures.

With what little time they had left, the two attempted to call out to their mother to save them “Mummuh! Hewp Bebbehs!” The red foal called, forcing their eyes open again despite the stinging pain as they frantically searched for their mother, though due to having never seen her before they had no idea what she looked like.

Little by little the jar was being filled, resulting in them having to stand on their hind legs just to keep their heads above the rising tide of foul smelling fluid, though they were spared momentarily as the man’s heavy stream trickled to a stop, having filled the gallon jug with nearly a full cup and a half of his urine. Despite this, he was not done with the foals as he would simply just have to find another way to fill the jug.

Scanning his immediate surroundings, the man spotted something of interest just outside of the alleyway - one of his neighbors holding a third-full jug of freshly expired milk which he went to ask for. Meanwhile, the mother had finally calmed down enough to hear her foal’s cry from within the jug, prompting her to open her eyes and witness just what had become of them. Now in a state of extreme hysteria, the mother rushed over to her foals at full speed, getting ready to knock the jug over only for it to be picked up at the last second and resulting in her running straight into the wall with a sickening crack.

Blood poured from the fluffy’s head, a large head wound having formed from the impact and leaving her dazed and confused - unable to even scree from the pain which had yet to register with her “Thought you could pull a fast one on me did ya rat? Well maybe if your fatass was a bit faster it would” The man chuckled as he kicked the mother over onto her back and pinned her with his foot.

“Mummuh!” The red foal called, having witnessed everything from a bird’s eye view and now fearing less for themselves and now their mother. In a desperate bid to escape the jug, the red foal mounts their sister and tries to climb out only to slip and fall back into the urine, splashing their brother whom did not take kindly to it “Meanie bwudda mak bad peepees in housie! Make sissy stucky! Hatchu! Hatchu!” The Pegasus shouts, those being their final words to their sibling as the jug was slowly being filled once again, though not with urine this time around.

What was being put into the jug was debatably much worse than that, as runny white milk slowly filled the jar and doused the two living foals in its stench. Soon, neither one could keep their head above the fluids and as a last bid to get their mother’s attention the two cheeped and hit the walls of the jug before finally going under.

From there, their fate was sealed as they instinctively tried to inhale only to instead fill their lungs with the rancid mixture of bodily fluids. In their final moments, the red foal thought of their mother’s voice and the life they could have had with her - running and playing with their siblings and drinking milk before finally succumbing to their fate.

With all of her foals dead, there was only the mother to deal with as she bore witness to the entire ordeal, begging for the man to stop whilst soiling herself only for her words to fall on deaf ears as her foals finally drowned to death. And yet, despite all of this, she begged for them to be returned to her, the reality of the situation having not registered with her in the slightest

“Pwese…Gib bebbehs tu mummuh…Bebbehs am su scawdies…Nee huggies an wub…” The mare says weakly, her head still ringing from the impact with the wall from moments ago, though the man was more than happy to oblige the mother’s request. Releasing her from under his foot, he grabbed the mother by the scruff of her neck and when she opened her mouth to complain about ‘bad uppsies’ he made his move.

In a single swift motion, he shoved the bottle to the mother’s mouth, forcing her to drink the concoction down to its very last drop. As a result, she would see the bodies of all her foals, each one dead and full of the same vile brew that the man had made for them. Once she had downed it all, the man committed his final act of cruelty by inverting the sock which had the shit on it and placed it over the mare’s head so that the fecal matter would rub into her face and fluff.

Being subjected to so much in such a short amount of time left the mare feeling more than a little queasy, her murmuring ‘wan d-’ before vomiting the mixture back up and it being caught by the sock, burning her nostrils, eyes, and the open head wound as she fell to the side and just kept on emptying her guts.

Although his sock was now completely ruined, the man was satisfied with the end result of his escapades, having him put the garbage can back up-right and throwing both the jug and mother into the trash since if she didn’t waterboard herself with her own vomit the infection of her head injury certainly would.

~ E N D ~


Not gonna lie when I heard the title bottled I expected the guy to just stand it upright so the rainfall would slowly fill the bottle drowning the foals




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Nice story and a happy ending

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Verry god


Pour one out for this man’s sock.

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