Bowl-Fluffies for sale (by: MistahGreyBunny_75)

I think your art is still finding its footing with regards to how “all” your fluffies look. A lot of artists wind up with a few different styles because of this, Artist-Kun is one that comes to mind. Sometimes, rarely, an artist will hit on a style so distinctive that it becomes sort of “canon” in that other artists emulate it when coming up with THEIR own style. Wolfram did this to the point that I frequently forget to think of a fluffy as horselike.

That said they’re scraggly and kinda scruffy looking so they’d be midrange pet grade I’m thinking


Yeah lmao fair nuff

I think most subspecies and disorders are created to justify some form of abuse or scenario that wouldnt make sense for the average fluffy. Why would a fluffy be swimming? Bowl. Why would a fluffy fit in the walls? Micro. Why is the adult still mentally a child? Derp.

Bowls “Don’t make sense” but fluffies don’t make sense.

I like the odd one shot bowl story and would be interested in contributing to the lore in some way to make them less gimmicky like aquatic fluffies but at the same time think that theres a reason the base fluffy works so well.

All that to say. Beautiful Art, 9/10, I’m only sad that a bowl isn’t crying that he dropped a toy in the water and it sank.


This is very cute. But it’s also a mindfuck how:

  1. They built the habitat in front of that door
  2. How they managed to make a water tight enclosure using nothing but planks of wood - no slats, no struts, no supports, no nails, or screws

Pretty dame cute.


All babies are good babies

Said the Poopie, nice cope my guy best get to eating that shit you aint gonna have a very long life you may aswell do your job and have some worth for the couple weeks your bothers and sisters are going to allow you to live :gibsketties: becuase you certainly aint getting any “miwkies or wuv”

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Thank you! I love it too, and i´m interested about zoology too, specifically aquarium hobby. Draw this made me thought a lot about how you had to keep aquatic fluffies, filtration sistems for bowls wouldn´t be too important ´cause you can teach them to use the litter box, but an acuarium with aqua-fluffies without a land section with a litter box… how you keep that clean? Aqua-fluffies would shit a lot… you cannot mantain water clean… they don´t need perfect filtration systems ´cause aqua-fluffies breath air… but aquariums with fluffies would have bad smell all the time unless you do maintenance almost every two days.


Thank you! Sorry… Mistha Grey´s Happy Fluffies shop does not promote the purchase of products such as litter-pals.
(You can knock on the door in the alley right next to this establishment and you´ll receive the litter-pal service for your fluffy at a reasonable cost, thanks for your discretion).

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That is another interesting idea…Sea Fluffy/Aquatic Fluffy enclosures. Maybe its like some ant enclosures or irl aquariums where you have small aquatic critters that break doen their waste into the soil or substrate at the ground of the enclosure to grow moss and kelp which could be a form of sustenance for the sea fluffies pr shelter for them?

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Sure, you can have a special price pack with a rubber toy and fluffy bowl :+1:t4:, please, use the product outside the establishment.

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That´s a great idea! probably in the future, I´ll draw micro sea fluffies aquarium with a lot of moss and sea weed, not to much fluffies and a lot of vegetation.

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  1. The door is for maintenance, to have easier access to the island with the fluffies.
  2. … you are right, I didn´t think about that, it would have nails and a tauparline for waterproofing.

Also you can probably do similar thing with typical micro fluffies akin to an ant farm but bigger with their food storage area, nursing area, birthing area, litter pit, communal sleeping area, etc. The enclosure itself could be like a box or like a fake tree trunk tower sort of shape.

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Perhaps the boards are slotted into the floor in some way.

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I love these sorts of diorama type scenes. Great work!

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I’ll buy the one making good poopies, he’s already been trained.

It´s yours my friend


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