Bowl Fluffy Headcanons (federalchemical1728)

i kinda missed bullshitting my way through the anatomy of fictional creatures, so blast from the past for me. maybe not for you idk

no idea what these monstrosities evolved to do or what they could possibly have been artificially engineered for. who would make this? why??? whatever, part of the fun is that it doesn’t actually matter lol

(depressing rambling)

i feel the rumbling of some very big changes, but i have to outrun a lit fuse if i’m gonna get out of this in one piece. i dont know how many of the specifics of the situation i should divulge, i don’t know what’s appropriate to share or put on someone else’s shoulders, i don’t know how to interact with non-toxic people anymore. nothing is healthy, i’m never not tired.

more irl family bullshit is happening because when is it not happening

we got the cat fixed, and i havent had much time to draw, edit, or post (though i have been writing) sometimes i can squeeze in maybe an hour of work on my game at 1am.

im having problems with my bank, with my medication, with my computer, with my phone, with everything including myself. executive dysfunction & abject terror keep me too paralyzed to make real choices and my only “safe” “adult” goes on a bender about every month. she doesn’t even want to go on them, alcoholism is just like that.

it feels like im losing the plot but it’s my actual life rather than a story im telling. im working with my therapist, but it’s slow going & i am pretty well LOST in the sauce.

what am i doing? am i complaining? what is this? i dont wanna worry anybody, but i also do??? idk that’s why im meeting my therapist twice a week now. i hope it helps.

((something less dire: i wrote out the plot of a shameless vent story, but i can’t decide if i want to write it out fully or make it a comic. or make it like a half-written illustrated documentary like The Fluffy Sink. decisions are hard. honestly it’s probably just too early to tell. i should dip my toes a little in each one before i commit.))


Keep pushing. The spiral has no end.


One thing to note is that free-hanging organs will make these things even more fragile than regular fluffies. As in, one quick turn and they’re in kidney failure.



Very cool stuff, I like your take on these little creatures a lot. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll adopt some aspects of this into my own bowl fluffy canon. The modified skeleton is super interesting and a helpful visual, and them having a biological reason for liking to be on their back aside from having fun floating is genius. Not to ramble too much about this or share my own canon unprompted lmao, but I like to think they have a layer of buoyant blubber/fat lining their inner back alongside water repellent fluff; also giving them some minor insulation if they decide to float in cold water.


Aww, little turtle horses.


ohhhh i love the poor bowl fluffs! poor little babys.
Gosh i hope your doing alright, if you need we’re here for you friend

Hey how do you do that dropdown in bbcode