Bowl Protection Part (1/2) (Art By Casca_De_Laranja)

Oof. Now das Crazy! She really does need the sonic rings booped outta her, for better or for worse!

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Getting offended by a fluffy calling you poopie is kinda pathetic IMO

As a mixed-race hugboxer, i can’t wait to see how this unfolds! Also, i just made my first ever post here! If you wanna use my 2 OCs, Bubbaloo and Fudge, just credit me, ok?

Uh nu fluffy didn’t!

Kick the ugly bitch in her fat mouth and take the foals. It tickles me pink whenever a Fluffy tries to act threatening when it’s most potent weapon is pressurized shit. It can’t run, scratch, trample, tackle, or even give a meaningful bite. What I don’t understand is why some of the humans just dogpile abuse on a smarty when literally all you have to do is just take something from it and put it a few feet. Plus there’s something just so satisfying about giving a little brat like that a reality check about just how impotent they really are.

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Shove the bitch mare into its shit pile.

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“Da fuck did you just call me?”

*Doom musics kicks in *


Getting offended by a fluffy calling you poopie is kinda pathetic IMO

It depends on how often it happens. If you’re an ethnic minority and you get called racial slurs all the time, you either develop a thicker skin or a hair trigger.

Speaking as a minority who’s been harassed and attacked on the street solely because of ethnicity, I take a dim view of name calling as it usually means some dickhead is either trying to get a rise out of me to justify a fight, or they’re posturing in an effort to get the self courage to attack me.

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Couldn’t have put it in better words myself

I saw some text stories and art of Fluffies calling dark-skinned people ‘poopie hoomins.’ A long while ago. you just have to look for them.

Annoying and racist