Bread Fluffies in the Southern USA by Chikahiro

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An entry for @Lothmar’s Bread Fluffy concept contest!

This was a lot of fun, and I’ve been enjoying the entries. As someone who loves carbs a little too much and spent some time in the South? Man, yeah, I can think of ways to use the little guys to make some good tasting dishes.

The idea of them enjoying the cooking process actually expanded possibilities since there’d be no scaredy poopies or such. They’re happy at cooking tempuratures? How does that work? Well, Weirdbox is how.

Anyhow, here’s some micro bread fluffies in a pot of soup, with their fluff cooking, getting soaked up in the broth, and becoming some delicious dumplings :slight_smile:


@Chikahiro so these bread fluff just dissolved or only their fluff? :thinking:


This is so cool! I love the idea of bread/carb fluffies being something enjoyed by both hug and abuse boxers

On the topic of scaredy poopies, would it be posibble to, say, feed the fluffies herbs and aromatics so that if it did happen it would just flavor the soup, in the case of dumplings? Like, feed them carrots, celery, leeks, herbs, things like that, so that if it does end up that a fluffy ends up defecating it simply adds flavor to the soup rather than ruin the batch?


The bread-fluff dough cooks although I guess it would also dissolve a little. As such it’d thicken the liquid broth. Since its still dough it doesn’t turn to bread, it becomes a boiled dumpling. Kind of like fresh pasta, maybe?

That might be a question for @Lothmar but I don’t see why not. Its kind of like the plant fluffies - its left any pretense of sci-fi behind and has gone into a fun but weird direction :slight_smile:


Love this one, so nice seeing them having fun with this process


The earlier ones, like a bread fluffy just happily enjoying the warmth of the oven while baking, appealed to me. So the fact they can happily withstand those tempuratures for extended periods meant I could have some fun with it. I kind of pictured it being like they’re in a hot tub or onsen, really :slight_smile:


“See that fluffies having fun, why dont you join them in the fryer?”

“O’tay~” * * * “skreeeeee!~” xD


Actually, if you re-read the last paragraph on the picture… :stuck_out_tongue:

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At this rate ima have to start pulling my favorite comments into a 'Contest Comment inspired head cannon ’


Hey, this is your plaything! :slight_smile:


I mean half the purpose of this was to in fact spur people to philosophize on various things I haven’t thought of and thus give me more to appreciate. :slight_smile:


There is always a non zero chance of poopies.


Two words:
Funnel cakes


Well, its been fun. The cute ideas are some of the weirder ones, which is great :slight_smile:

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Upon seeing the pic I instantly thought they were extremely tiny yeast fluffies swimming around a petri dish. :sweat_smile:

Hey, that’d work too. Don’t they use genetically modified yeast and bacteria to make insulin and other things now? Be hard working little fluffies! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fluffies has been seen as pretty much pestilence but what if they actually held the clue to solve several massively destructive genetic issues both in mankind and other species? Now that’s food for thought. :hmm:

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To be honest they could help with diabetes through exercise provided the owner and the fluffy get into the habit. Plus being an anti-depressant, lowering blood pressure, etc.

But then there are stories about owners having a fluffy, doing the bare minimum (at most) with it just because the doctor suggested it for those reasons and missing the point entirely. But, better a fluffy getting that than a dog or cat.


Just reminding you of an idea. :wink:

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