Breaking The Family Bond Ch. 3 [by BFM101]

Lavender had been awake for close to three hours by the time I reached her cage, her voice had gone hoarse from screaming and her legs were struggling to keep her up but she kept running around hoping to find a way out.

She wouldn’t.

“Hey hey hey, easy there Lavender, you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep going like that.”

I scooped her up and held her in my arms, she was still unaware that this was my doing, no nee to clue her in just yet. I cradled her in my arms like a baby, gently rubbing her belly, she was still crying but looked up at me hopefully.

“Hu, hu, hu. Joesep, Where babbehs? Where speciaw fwiend? Wavenda so scawed.”

“It’s ok, Cobalt and the foals are safe, let’s get you rested up and I’ll take you to see them, ok?”

“O… okay.”

I took her through to another room, separate from the others, there was a small Fluffy sized chair on a table in front of a series of TV screens, all of them currently off. I sat Lavender down in the chair, making sure she was comfortable before handing her a water-bottle.

“Here, take a drink, your throat must be so sore.”

She paused for a moment, her mind still on her foals, but the pain in her throat overrode her maternal instincts and she grabbed the bottle from me, taking sips from the feeder tube that quickly turned into using the damn thing as a straw.

With the bitch distracted, I carefully moved the restraints I had attached to the chair over her two bottom legs, both were padded leather so combined with her fur she barely felt herself getting trapped. Once both legs were trapped I took the water bottle away from her and strapped her front legs to the arms of the chair.

“Whu, whu Joesep doing? Why Wavenda no muv weggies?”

“Because I want you to see something Lavender, something I’m surprised you haven’t noticed yet about your foals. You love them all equally don’t you?”

“Wavenda wuv aww babbehs. Babbehs awe bestesh babbehs.”

“Even the Chestnut and Spike? The shit baby and the monster, you even called Spike your ‘bestesh’, how the hell did you break free of the programming? I thought all Fluffy mothers were supposed to kill Alicorns, something about keeping the breed rare or whatever.”

Somehow it was me insulting her children that finally broke her. “Dummeh Joesep no talkies, babbehs awe nu poopies or munstah’s, Chessknot no wook wike poop, he am Eawthie, stwong babbeh. Spike nu munster etha, he une-eek, no other babbeh hab wingies AN hown, Wavenda pwoad of babbehs.”

I still wasn’t sure what to make of this family and their young, either they were so far removed from the Hasbio outbreak that they never had the Alicorn or Broan Foal hatred hard-wired into their brains – given how fast the fuckers bred it was likely Cobalt and Lavender were several generations after the outbreak. Or they were so fucking dense that they didn’t know they were supposed to hate their foals.

Either way I wasn’t getting through to Lavender with words, so I would have to try actions instead. I picked up a small metallic helmet from the table, it was something I made early in my experiments, it strapped onto the Fluffy’s head and two appendages were used to prop the Fluffy’s eyelids open, making it impossible to blink.

And yes I did get the inspiration from A Clockwork Orange.

Lavender shook her head as I put the helmet onto her, made things slightly more difficult but I was bigger and stronger so the helmet was soon strapped on. When I probed her eyelids open she screamed in terror and shit herself, after going through it with Cobalt and his cunt daughter it took a lot of restraint not to punch her in the stomach there and then.

“Wavenda no bwink, eyebaws huwties.”

“This is for your own good Lavender, if you won’t understand the truth, then I have to make you see it.”

I flicked a switch and all the Television screens in front of her turned on at once. And Lavender was bombarded with images of violence and degradation, all of it involving Alicorns, some had babies being rejected or even killed by their mothers for being ‘munstahs’, some have adult Alicorns forced into breeding mills with both stallions and mares forced to fuck for breeders gain. Some of it was my own personal work with some of my Alicorn experiments resulting in them becoming very violent and aggressive, lots of Alicorn murdering or being murdered. I’d even put in some footage of Crimson doing his usual ‘bad-enfie’ work, while Crimson wasn’t an Alicorn he was a Pegasus and adding the horn from post-production wasn’t difficult, not that it looked perfect but I wasn’t worried about a Fluffy noticing the difference.

Lavender tried desperately to look away from the horrid views of violence, rape and death in front of her but she couldn’t, she was stuck watching the screens and no amount of screeching was going to save her now. I figured some time alone with the horrors would do her good so I left her to it and went to plan out the next stage.

Cobalt was still passed out from the loss of his leg, I’d cauterised the wound so he wouldn’t bleed to death but past that he was on his own. It was fine anyway, I didn’t need him until later. Rose on the other hand was still pinned to the countertop, I think she’d tired herself out from trying to free herself because other than her tired breathing she wasn’t moving.

Still though, I wasn’t about to risk anything, I found a small syringe of sedative and stuck her with it, just enough to knock her out for a couple hours, and more importantly so she wouldn’t struggle when I took the pins out. Once I was satisfied she was out cold, I removed the pins and picked her body off the countertop, taking her back to the Foals cage. Sunrise was still fuming when I lifted the cage top, even more so when I dropped her sister in and she saw the marks on her limbs.

“Wha munstah hoomin do tu sistah Wose? Dummeh Joesep need giben huwties, nu babbehs.”

“I supposed you’re the one who thinks they can hurt me, huh?”

“Sunwise wan huwt Joesep, wet Sunwise out sowwy box.”

I rolled my eyes and dropped the lid, I’d have to think of some way to deal with her later. No my focus was on the boys cage, I lifted their lid and saw Cyan with his arm around a shivering Chestnut while Spike stood guard, upon seeing my face Spike jumped in front of his brothers and snarled as best a Fluffy foal could snarl. Which admittedly wasn’t much.

“Dummeh hoomin no touch bruddahs, Spike am bestesh babbeh, bestesh babbeh pwotect famiwy.”

“Easy there child, I’m not here to hurt you, in fact I’ve brought food.”

The prospect of food perked up Chestnut’s ears, he asked in a very small voice. “Skettis?”

“No, not skettis, I’m not going to reward you shits with the good shit. No it’s just kibble, but I bet you’re all hungry.”

Cyan nodded. “So hungwy, nu hab nummies in wong time.”

Actually it had been less than four hours but fuck it, they were young. “Let’s get you and Chestnut fed then.”

As I poured some kibble bits into their feed troughs I could sense Spike glaring at me. “No nummies fow Spike?”

I wasn’t feeding Spike because the kibble was laced with more sleeping powder and I needed him awake, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. “Not yet Spike, in fact I was just about to take you to see your mother, she’s very worried about all of you.”

“Mummah hewe?”

“She’s in the other room, I told her she could only see one of you to prove that you’re ok and she naturally picked her bestesh babbeh. Would you like to see your mother?”

I could see Spike still didn’t trust me, but his young brain was too confused on how to act so he simply nodded. I smiled and picked him up, behind him Cyan took a big yawn, the sleeping powder was already working, and went to take him through to Lavender’s room. As we passed the girls cage I could see Sunrise still glaring at me and an idea popped into my head.

“Hey Spike, why don’t we be nice to Lavender, let’s take your sister as well.”

By the time I returned to Lavender after setting everything up I had left her on her own for over an hour. Her eyes were bloodshot red and her face streaked with tears of pain both physical from the dry eyes and emotional from watching the footage. She barely registered my entrance, too traumatised by the Alicorn abuse to speak, or maybe she just couldn’t see that it was me.

I carefully took the helmet off her, not wanting to damage her eyes anymore than they already had been. Her eye lids went into overdrive trying to undo what damage they could, she was still in a lot of pain but she could still see.”

“Wavenda no wun see mowe, tu scawy for Wavenda.”

“But did you see what I meant about monster babies, Alicorns are dangerous and to be feared.”

She turned away, I think something had broke through to her but she was ashamed to admit it.

“Well no matter because for going through that, I have a little gift for you.”

I unbuckled the restraint on the chair and lifted Lavender out, I took her across the room where I’d set up a large box and placed her inside, she looked around the confinements, confised as to what was going on until she saw it, her gift.


Spike was on the other side of the box, chained to a post and looking miserable, at the sound of his mother’s voice he turned and tried to run to her, the chain around his neck stopping him in his tracks.

“Nu huwt bestest babbeh.”

I watched as Lavender bounded across the box, I waited until she was tantilisingly close and…


She froze, so close to her son but still so far, her fear of what I’d put her through if she disobeyed tore at her but she couldn’t break through that.

“Now Lavender, after what you’ve seen of Alicorns and monsters, I think you need to do the honourable thing here. You need to kill Spike.”

“Wha? Wavenda nu gib babbeh foweba sweepies, Wavenda wub babbeh.”

“You have to, because if you don’t kill your monster child then I…

I flicked on a light switch – for my own personal dramatics if nothing else – so that Lavender could see the other part of my experiment. Sunrise was stuck to the table, a nail driven through her leg to stop her running off.

“…will kill your daughter here.”



“The only way you can save her is by doing the right thing and killing the monster, you saw how they all are, killers and rapists. You’ll be doing the worst a favour by taking him out now.”

“Spike am gud fwuffy mummah, nu gib foweba sweepies ow bad-enfies.”

“Mu… mummah kno, but mummah no suwe if babbeh change when olda.”

It was working, she was confused but the fear of her baby turning evil was getting to her.

“Spike no change, Spike no cum Smawtie, Spike wuv mummah.”

“Mummah need tink of sistah too, need mummah tu.”

Spike looked over at his crying sister and, in a move that still shocks me to this day, he lay down on the floor, tucked his legs under his body and placed his head down, submitting his life to his mother.”

“Spike undastan, Spike gud fwuffy, bu Spike nu wan see sistah git foweba sweepies. Mummah du wha she need tu sab Sunwise.”

Lavender’s eyes darted between Spike and Sunrise, still thinking about what to do. But since Spike had given her the chance to save his sister it seemed like the best option for everyone. She stood over her son, looking down on his little body, with tears pouring off her face she lifted her hoofs and…

Nothing. Lavender dropped her foot back down and fell to the floor bawling her eyes out.

“Nu can huwt babbehs, Wavenda wub aww babbehs, nu gib foreba sweepies tu any. Tu hawd fow Wavenda.”

For fuck sake, I was getting sick of this sanctimonious shit. I tore Sunrise off the table, ripping her leg off with the force, and pressed her against the side of the box.

“LOOK! Look at your little girl, you’ve betrayed her for the life of a fucking monster. You think about what you’ve fucking done.”

“Mummah sowwy Sunwise, mummah nu can gib foweba sweepies.”

“Sunwise kno mummah, Sunwise still wuv…


With one hand holding Sunrise’s top half, and the other holding her bottom, I suddenly and violently twisted the young filly’s body in different directions, like ringing out a wet towel. She instantly coughed blood onto the side of the box and kept dribbling it out of her mouth as I twisted her body 180 degrees, 360 degrees, 540 degrees.

“NUUU, mummah hab biggest heawt huwties. Nu wan see babbeh have foweba sweepies. Munstah Joesep huwt babbeh.”

Eventually Sunrise’s body went as far as it could and the town skin and muscle fell apart leaving her in two separate pieces that I tossed onto the table, letting Lavender and Spike get a good look at her guts.

“Me? You knew the rules bitch, I told you to kill a monster or lose your daughter, you chose the monster, this is entirely on you.”

“Nu say tat, Wavenda wuv Sunwise.”

“If that’s true then why is she dead?”

I was so furious that I couldn’t break through to these Fluffies that I made a rash decision, with one hand I picked Lavender out of the box, in the other I picked up the nail I’d used for Sunrise and put it between my knuckles.

“If you can’t see the truth about your monster of a child, then you don’t fucking deserve to see.”

And with one sharp punch, I slammed my fist into Lavender’s face and drove the nail straight into her left eye. The shriek was almost enough to tear ear-drums and the scared-poopies nearly drenched m arm but I didn’t care, I was fed up with this fucking family.

I dropped the half-blind mare into the puddle of her own filth and her daughter’s blood, separate from her son by the wall of the box, still unable to touch him. If I needed to tear this family down I needed to break out the big guns.

It was time to use the barb-wire.

Chapter 4


I wonder if this was the mistake mentioned in chapter 1?