broken promise (by Ms_Random)

you were a new breeder, you wanted to get your hand on a rare breed but none met your price range, at is until a small herd show up in your yard. you didn’t want anything to do with them, but found out that mare was a rare breed. a bowl fluffy. you zone in on her and the babbehs, however none of the baby made it after his attack. lucky for him he got a new mare. right away setting her to his favorite stallion

he stuff her in a birthing box and waited till the day she birth

he gotten three bowls from the litter. same one was a shit color but better then nothing, he move them right away to the nursing zone, then went and set the mare with the same stallion



That poor fluffy, it always amazes me that they’re so moronic they think they can get their legs back


Ain’t like that mare deserves anything better. Whip her a few dozen times and beat the hope out of her. Muzzle her as well to shut her up.


The mare should have gotten the promise in writing, rookie mistake.


is she supposed to be a bowl fluffy?

I think that is shown by the different color belly fluff matching the mane. There isnt really a consistent way to draw bowls

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yes, i made the the indent green, i did the best i could

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I like the regenerative bio-gel lore (@gr1m_1 for one), though it seems like the Fluffy hive-canon at large forgets or ignores the medicine’s existence. Maybe someone who’s been here longer knows more about that~

See this is where you tell her that if she really wanted her legs and family back she would’ve given you extra special babies to prove it. These babies are good but not perfect, if she can give you perfect babies then you’ll know she really wants her legs back and that she’s put in the effort to get them back.

Why risk your investment waiting for the new foals to come of breeding age when you have one ready for repeat business right now.


Fluffy leg transplants are quite doable, in most headcanons.
As for her family, find a feral one, murder mummah as needed, then tell both parties this is their family now, & that all fluffies should love each other equally!

The transplants cost a few hundred Euro, or the watching of an instructional FluffTube video & the price of a few veterinary tools. You should, of course, have kept the limbs of her x-special friend for the purpose, or at least amputate the donor in front of her.

The family should cost a quick walk in town, the wearing of waterproof footware, & your immortal soul.

The bowl fluffy mummah`s inevitable descent into blood-dimmed horror, in spite of you “keeping” all your promises; because she is a bowl fluffy, who are even more prone to suffering than non-physically disabled fluffies?

PRICELESS :grinning: