Oh boy. My darkest one yet.

I wonder what happen next.
I can’t stop laughing at the ‘Do not fuck…’ label and the ‘RIP Bubbles’ jar.
I’ll try to finish the next part as fast as possible!
I’m hoping for some good plot twists and shocking scenes.
There I think this nerd would be a very shitty dark hugboxer.
One that the Dark hugboxer doesn’t consider it ethical to violate the free will of fluffy ponies, and two that he certainly doesn’t fuck them without their consent xD
This guy broke all the rules and i’m curious how it will end for both, fluffyshy and him.
It won’t end well for Fluffy shy. I can tell you that.
Even a little nerd cock is too much for her
Yes. It is. That’s the point >:)
Lobotomizing ones rape victim is, indeed, the least one can do.
Just ask Jeffrey Dahmer!
Didnt expect him to be mentioned in the comment section but ye… You’re right
the “tips fedora 1000 times” is what got me personally
Now, human skull collecting, that is a proper pastime for a gentleman & scholar.
Or a pre-war German academic, at the very least
I’m hoping this dork has a micropeen
If the @Shoe fits.
This guy is probably something that would happen if those shitrats were real.
The League of Legends shirt is a fitting choice for that man, oddly enough. I can’t imagine DOTA 2 fans being fan of Fluffles, because some of them are so dedicated to DOTA, that they only play DOTA, and nothing else, sometimes even to the point of not having any other non-game hobbies either.
And it’s a Yasuo shirt too, so that makes even more sense.
I’m surprised this guy’s wife/girlfriend is cool with this hobby, but she must be or he’s doing an amazing job keeping it secret.
He has a gf/wife?
4 Chan exists and is full of those people