''Brothers'' (Autor: JoseAzteca)

‘‘Está no es un recuentro feliz… Ellos no están para nada felices… Está no son las caras de personas cuerdas… Simplemente sonríen por cordialidad… Los individuos no son simples de entender, por más felices que aparenten estar la verdad se a de filtra a través de esa mascara de mármol negro de llameante penumbra que dicen está plasmada en su rostros para que no olviden que es no saber quienes son. Estos sabiendo de su naturaleza hipócrita, se quitan la mascara que oculta su rostro para dejar que vean el interior de su alma putrefacta que no logra entenderse ni ella misma.’’

‘’ This is not a happy meeting… They are not happy at all… This is not the faces of sane people… They just smile out of cordiality… Individuals are not simple to understand, no matter how happy they appear to be, the truth is filtered through that black marble mask of flaming gloom that they say is plastered on their faces so that they do not forget that it is not knowing who they are. These, knowing of his hypocritical nature, take off the mask that hides his face to let them see the interior of his rotten soul that cannot even understand himself.‘’


welp there is a story here and I wanna know

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What did the fluffy do to deserve that fate?
Do they deserve a justification for suffering?

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ehh your right