That fluffies reaction to what neutering means is both adorable and hilarious.
It’s so cute and pitiful!
I recall an idea from somebody to replace the wumps with larger fakes to stop reproductions without any of the sadness.
Together we can end the feral cycle
Joke’s on you, because I’ve been feeding ferals food laced with fertility drugs!
lmao. bless NNN
Adopt fluffies from no-kill shelters. Immediately release into park.
The feral menace won’t be ending on my watch.
Vat-growing fluffies is a thing in my headcanon. You could have tons of vats cranking out fluffies!
I like the idea of taking fluffies out of the safety of the shelter, thinking they’re adopted, and released back into the hell and high mortality of street living. All the pain and sorrow and death they witnessed to find their way to a shelter that won’t simply euthanize them after three days… only to be put back on the street by the one they thought was going to give them a forever home. Those extra layers really warm my heart.
See, I was just thinking about spiting the people trying to reduce the feral fluffy population.
And my idea’s more mad sciencey.
That it is, that it is.
Where’s the fun in that, if you’re getting them castrated that late in life then the depression is the best part
I believe @Foxhoarder did. Check their gallery!
Fluffy should consider himself lucky that the lumps were only cut off.
And not, you know, pulverized with a hammer before extraction.
Isn’t it more like 66% off?
Wouldn’t it be 66% off rather than 50%?