Bruh did my Kahn reference picture get deleted?
It’s not even up anymore…
cus it was up earlier today and now it’s like gone.
Tf, why is it in non-fluffy? Its literally a cannible fluffy
In the past people flooded the content feed with OC posts. OC showcase content does not build on fluffy mythos, so they get lumped in the non-fluffy category.
It’s part of the new quality control initiative being pushed.
Obligatory: cannibal*
oh cringe, but i get it
Happy with this change
There’s one vanilla fluffy in the post being eaten. But the main focus of the post is on the cannibal fluffy and not the vanilla fluffy.
So, it was moved to #non-fluffy. Please don’t change the category it’s in.
cannibals are not fluffies now?
My Little Edgy OC aren’t fluffies.
Can I get a QRD on this thread? What does it mean exactly?
okay so long story short, my Post with a Cannibal Fluffy oc got put into the Not Fluffy related tag, i asked why, its a fluffy, Fox guy said thats where it goes, so thats all
WTF? Cannibal fluffies go in the ‘not fluffy’ section?
You telling me that Jessibel and Nibbles (!) and crazy mummah aren’t fluffies?
Gotdamn the hugboxers really are running the asylum.
FC should have stayed dead rather than pull this nonsense.
Nope, just OC sheets
Take your pills.
Nope, I believe you’ve missed previous comments.
If it’s a fluffy that just happens to be a cannibal, that’s still a fluffy
but if it’s a cannibal because cannibals are edgy and cool and edgy, and it has other aspects that make it edge and cool, then that’s a My Little Edgy OC.
i dont wanna be edgy and cool… lol
A surprising amount of people do.
For them I have to suggest