pls kill her
- Shitroomba
- Bruter
This is fucking amazing
Wait… Isn’t this battle done already?
I dont think so
Dude if you added color and “finished” these pieces you would literally be a legend within the community. I oftentimes have similar ideas that would be incredible but I lack the artistic ability to express them. You have the right ideas, and the ability to actually make the art, but if you just finished it (go beyond black and white sketches) it would be amazing. I hope you don’t take it the wrong way because I’m trying to give you a genuine compliment.
@Thefirstmann You drew the wrong battle!
You were supposed to draw fight 1-G, like I instructed you in the message I sent you!
This battle has already been drawn
Shit, this is the third time this has happened.
The poll in this post wil not be counted, since there has already been a poll.
And @Thefirstmann, you still have time to draw the battle that was given to you
If you were so kind to do so, thankyou
Lmao even in another poll Bruter still loses