Bubble Fluffs (Pink)

Aqua-cottonfluffs! Skim the tank at the end of the day.


Somebody fetch my rotenone!

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That’s one way to clean your tank

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I’ll counter your suggestion, however, with one(1) male betta fish


Howbowt an Oscar?

Then again, an “Armageddon-with-fins” like an Oscar would end the fun much too quickly.

Mebbe a dozen baby piranhas?

It depends on if the piranhas would tear up the plant, I suppose. You wouldn’t have a self-sustaining suffertank if they did.

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I dunno…do piranhas eat plants? I know pacu’s do.

Well that’s gonna be a bloodbath then.

@Pink From your design they lay eggs on aquatic plants like the one on the left? :thinking:

I based them on cotton fluffs, so they actually grow on that plant like cotton bolls

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