Bubblegum & Babbehs. (Short Part 2) (father_dan_the_man)

You’re having the biggest poopies ever.

It hurts worse than when Daddeh would punish you with the sowwy-stick.

“Pwease. Nu gib mummah owwies.”

But the babbehs don’t listen.

“Biggest owwies!”

You push, and push for what feels like forever.

Suddenly you’re relieved of all pain and pressure. But the happiness doesn’t last for very long.

It’s quiet. It shouldn’t be quiet.


No peeps. No movement. Nothing.

The babbehs are cold and small.

Your babbehs are fowebah sweepies.

“Huuu…babbehs. Pwease.”

You hold each babbeh closely.

But huggies aren’t helping.

You immediately blame yourself.

“Am bad Mummah.”

You’re crying now. You have the biggest heawt huwties ever.

You don’t even notice how heavily you’re bleeding from your speshuw pwace.

You wish you could go fowebah sweepies too.


You wake up suddenly, feeling panicked and so very scared. But you feel relieved when you realize you were just having a bad dream again.

You take a deep breathe and look at the three sleeping babbehs nuzzled up against you. The yellow babbeh suckles very gently at one of your miwkie pwaces. Not suckling hard enough to get any miwkies, but more so suckling gently for some form of comfort.

*“*Bubbwegum wub babbehs.” You whisper softly as you shed a few tears for the babbehs who had been in that bad dream.

“Peep!” The yellow babbeh startles you with it’s little sound. You’ve never been so happy to hear a babbeh make sounds.

You can’t resist the urge to pick up the yellow babbeh and bring it closer to you. Giving it the most gentle lickie kisses ever.

*“*Yewwow babbeh wiww get dah name…Buttah.” You say quietly but rather proudly. Butter makes the happiest cooing sounds and wiggles so much that it bumps it’s little face into your nose. With a smile you put Butter back onto one of your miwkie pwaces, and it actually drinks miwkies this time.

You’ll have to name the other two babbehs tomorrow. But for now you’re very exhausted and eventually drift back to sleep. The sweet sounds of Butter cooing after almost each drink of miwkies keeping you safe from anymore bad dreams.


Poor Bubblegum… She’s been through so much. Something tells me that her ordeal is not quite over though