Bumble (ElementAurix)

Took part in @Moesius 's TOMBOLA event earlier and ended up with this little cutie which I’ve named Bumble. :yellow_heart::black_heart::brown_heart::black_heart::yellow_heart: Did my best to mimic Moesius’s style (because I can’t draw to save my life) and I’m happy with the results overall.

Bumble in a flower field

Bumble from the TOMBOLA post


Now im picturing them going around nuzzling flowers to cover themselves in polen and spreading it between flowers. xD

Maybe pausing to shake out their fur in the middle of large clusters of them.


Oh absolutely.

Or running through a field tackling all the dandelion puffs.


“Gon gib you bigges’ stingie owwies.”
Begins bumping it’s butt against it’s enemy


…The fuck you mean you can’t draw ?!
That looks great !


You draw better than me. If I draw something today, people would think I drew it when I was 5.

You guys know how I keep saying that my thing is writing for a reason? That’s the reason.


That’s me too if I attempt to draw anything original. I can edit pretty well and I can mimic decently, but every attempt at something original ends up as a dumpster fire.


Thanks, but it is just me mimicking someone else’s talent. I keep trying my own work and it is awful at best…but I am getting better, slowly.

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Thats how we all do it
I started with mimicking spiderman comic book artists like Todd McFarlane and Erik Larsen.
And later on TMNT creators Eastman And Laird.
( though these days my style is more closer to that of Jae Lee)

Eventually after enough mimicking you end up with your own original style.
the fact that you can mimic show that you do have talent for drawing.

If you can’t draw at all even a mimicked attempt would look terrible.


One of my first attempts and arguably one of my better attempts.


I’ve seen worse on here and on the booru.
We can all tell it’s a fluffy.

The best advice I can give you is to keep copying as weird as that sounds.
Because we all have to start somewhere.
Copy Moesius, copy Tia copy McGonagal copy jberg.

Hell, copy me if you are so inclined.
My fluffies are influenced by Marcusmaximus and Fwidde.

Eventually you wil come across something you are happy with.

And if that picture is the best you can do, then that’s the best you can do but there is no shame in trying.


That’s me, alright.

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Proving my point, So @Aurix should keep trying.

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You can’t just take their word on that, I bet theirs is much better than mine.

Orly ?
Here is one thing that’s true, most if not all artists hate their own work.
We are our own worst critics.
If I look at my own fluffy art I hate 90 % of it.

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That’s how I feel about my writing, which is why I don’t go back to edit it.

My feeling about my art go deeper than hate, maybe loathing or disgust.

Yeah, I know how that feels.
I deeply dislike my own art output, its why my submissions are characterized by long bouts of lethargic ennui filled with nothing, and brief furious flurries of activity.

But having said all that, I stil do think you can draw.

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Bumble looks adorable! I think you’re a bit harsh on your art skills, because he’s super cute and I’d definitely hug him.


She cute >w<

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