Call It Instinct: By Stwumpo

“This is fucked up, dude.”

"I know, but if it works-"

“If it works I’ve got a pen full of violent sexual predators.”

“So keep them in the pen.”

The two men approached one of the stallion pens in this corner of the warehouse. They were carrying a decent sized Rubbermaid tub with muffled sounds emanating from within. As they reached the pen, they wordlessly perched it atop the fence.

One of the stallions, a volatile blue unicorn named Pumper, is puffing his cheeks and screaming, his near permanent erection on display. As breeding studs, these guys were fed kibble with shitloads of hormones to increase potency and longevity.

Unfortunately it turns an otherwise sweet fluffy into a spaghetti powered rape machine.

See these stallions did their jobs well, but even a large operation isn’t going to have them producing nonstop. They’d lose so many that way. But they’re still HORNY, and enfie toys get gross fast. Suck to clean. Can’t hose them down like the pens and the fluffies.

They tried enfie pals, but the demand was too high and nobody wanted to fuck his corpse. One of the stallions said something about babbehs, and while Bob was beating the screaming stallion to death with a Maglite he had an idea.

They dumped the tub. Out of it poured scores of terrified and complaining Microfluffies. Specially bred to be dense and durable.

The stallions were initially confused. Thought they’d been given toys. The crying micros were forming clusters and some had begun seeking aid from “bigges fwuffies” in escaping meanie daddehs. Then, after a few tense minutes, a breakthrough.

The shrill scream of a micro cut through the crowd noise like an air horn. “OWWWWIES! NUUU! ONWY FOW POO-” He’s cut off by a thrust from the stallion. His words fail him and he just starts crying and vomiting from the pain. Meanwhile, the stallion that mounted him is enjoying himself.

"Enf, enf, enf, enf, gud feeeeews!" He flops backwards, the bloodied and barely conscious micro still adorning his weird horsedick like a pencil topper that can cry and beg for mercy. “Owwwwwwieeees…staaaaaahp…”

“Udda stawwions! Micwos am gud fow enfies! Su tite! Bestest feews!” The satisfied fluffy beams, relaying his findings to his friends. “Wike enfie babbehs?” One of the stallions inquires.

He is immediately beaten to death by the other stallions who call him “gross” and “munstah” the whole time.

The two men watched as more and more of the stallions realized they could make their wump hurties stop by giving special huggies to “wittwe enfie fwens.”

“I can’t believe that worked.”

“Really? If I put a crude mare made of driftwood in that pen we’d be picking spinters out of their dicks for weeks.”

“Well I’m more taking about the whole ‘enfie babbeh’ thing. I didn’t expect that to solve itself.”

“Well the way I see it, that’s just their human instincts asserting themselves. They’re fluffies, so they’ve got genetic code from umpteen different sources, and a lot of their instincts are basically human. Makes them good pets.”

The skeptical man crossed his arms. “I dunno man, humans are the evilest animal of all. Maybe it’s something else? Preying on the weak is a pretty human instinct…” His friend chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder reassuringly.

“Tom, honestly, you need to get out more. You’ve been spending too much time around shitty people if you think that.” The man got kind of wistful, swept up in the moment. “Human beings don’t prey on the weak. Certainly not our own, not by nature. We can be made to via incentives, but our natural tendency is towards cooperation and collaboration. Not competition and dominance. Left to our own devices, we built the entire idea of civilization out of nothing. It took billions of humans working for tens of thousands of years, but we did it.”

Catching himself rambling, he returns to his friend. “People don’t prey on the weak because they want to. They prey on the weak because they’ve been conditioned to.” Tom ponders for a moment.

“I guess, man. Maybe it’s just the human instinct to not get caught.”

The other man paused. “How do you mean?”

“Well, it’s like stealing from the cookie jar. If you’re the thief, you might police others to throw off suspicion. It’s not that you hate cookies or cookie thieves, just that you know that getting them caught means more cookies for you.”

An uncomfortable silence hung over the room.

“Tom, this isn’t cookie thievery. This is…a great deal more fundamental and severe than that. Human beings have the divine spark. We ate from the Tree, we know good and evil. We know right and wrong, and we have the good sense to tell which is which. Fluffies are dumber and shittier than us, but they have the same fundamental desire to protect the weak that all decent human beings possess. It’s not ‘preying on the weak’ to steal cookies.”

Tom shrugged. “Hey, whatever you say man. Just so long as they keep stomping the deviants.” He throws on a smile and turns to go. The other man stayed back, looking out over the pen. After he heard the chime on the screen door at the farmhouse, he knew Tom had gone inside. He pulled out a flip phone he’d hidden in a secret pocked inside his pants. Quickly dialing, he ducks behind the barn door to make his call.

“Yeah, it’s me. Mm-hm. Mm-hm, yeah. He did. Yep. Uh huh. Honestly I’m shocked how well it worked. Dude may as well have been screaming it. Oh I’m not sure he’s part of the ring, but he’s party to it. Diane, you didn’t hear him talk. He practically told me what he was. Get your people out here ASAP. I’m pretty sure he’s hiding them in the big plastic oil drums out back.”

“No, Diane. I don’t think an adult could fit.”


lol lmao


They might be horned up little volatile freaks, but they have standards goddamn it.


If human beings naturally preyed on each other, we would have died out as a species a long LONG time ago.


You do not have the spark of humanity then.

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So this was all a set up to get a pedo? That’s a twist! A good one.


Preying on the weak doesn’t have to be lethal and it usually isn’t (immediately) when humans do it. Also my lmaoing was more at the “Tendency towards cooperation and collaboration over competition and dominance” considering how often when you get groups together it always seems to form hierarchies that inevitably get corrupted. And god forbid you run into another large group. Course I’m massively pessimistic when it comes to leadership ideals so dissention is probably more my own biases


Again though, human beings are much more likely to cooperate than compete, given the option.

You do not have the spark of humanity then
Yeah real righteous that thought

Nah, I’m sure you do. Your cynicism isn’t as thick as you believe it to be. I know mine sure wasn’t, it turned out.

Unfortunately it’s usually after the domination and/or on a micro scale like with communities or countries, once things get real big and “borders” start rub up against each other everyone ends up dancing to the whims of the dominators and cooperation is out of the window because the shit that rose to the top needs more money and power. On the lower levels or in times of crisis we band together but the moment power starts accumulating the vultures begin to circle. Granted the issue is that we’re conditioned to not challenge the powerful in meaningful ways (and the ones who actually do usually want to make things worse), anyway what I’m saying is we need to be more like the fluffies who beat the babbeh enfer to death minus the mass rape

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That’s an illusion. What we’re “not meant to do” is form massive hierarchical political entities that rule over communities totaling in the hundreds of millions or even billions. The abuses that happen at that level are not due to human nature, but to the nature of hierarchical power structures.

Generally, when I say that child-groomers, MAPs, and other pedophiles should be fed into woodchippers, I’m saying it because I think that child-groomer, MAPs, and other pedophiles should be fed into woodchippers; not because I’m playing some kind of 5 dimensional chess. The whole argument that “people who call out the sexualization of children are the real perverts, because why would a normal person be thinking about child sexualization, hmm?” always struck me as false and absurd in light of the existing evidence.

Of course, that’s not to say there aren’t people who use projection as a tool to shift suspicion. Sometimes it’s even used as a triple redirect. I distinctly remember a substitute teacher making an infamous Twitter post to the effect that Matt Walsh is a secret pedophile because he talks about grooming a lot, shortly before being arrested himself for the crime of distributing child pornography. Regardless of what you think of Walsh, the game there is fairly obvious.

And, somewhat related, I’m going to use this sentence to add that it’s obscene that we still haven’t seen Epstein’s client list.

Although the twist part was kinda meh, I enjoyed the fluffy part of the story very much.


I mean you have to admit there are a LOT of dudes who bang the “save the children” drum only to get busted for Cheese Pizza, it’s a bit of a cliche it happens so often.


In my experience the guys who tend to fit this trope are the ones more focused on how disgusting being pedophile is and not the harm they cause their victims. It’s the act of conspicuous denial, the weird Uncanny Valley effect when these guys act the way they think their thing is supposed to make people act that gives them away. They can’t replicate our moral outrage at the harm done to victims because they don’t share it. But disgust?

Any human can feel disgust.


Am I going to hell for finding this funny?


“spaghetti powered rape machine”

I’m never going to recover from this


Is a good act bad for being done by someone who didn’t have good intentions?

Can be.

Name of my Italian speed metal band