Camo (Artist: Carpdime) (FB id: 22128)


Changed my drawing app which has more than three layers. More productive and can do better coloring.


Ha, I’ve never actually considered this outcome. Lot of possibilities for tragedy


Kind of the point of the chirping though if mummah would shut up with her talking a minute and listen! Though I can see a lot of feral grass-shaded foals dying to lawn mowers–crapshoot a human would see or hear them.


That right there is the problem.

Fluffies don’t know how to shut up, they can only think by talking their thoughts out.


We must help them develop inner monologues by removing their tongues then.

That won’t stop them.

You need to sever the vocal chords entirely.

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“Sorry, I can’t read your mind. Use your words, [Fluffy].”

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@BFM101 @LegendGW I’d counter and say there’s also a lot of possibilities for a safe outcome. or even adventure! I am reminded of Squeakyfriend’s “The Unicorn who flew”. But yes, I consider this neutralbox because there’s many ways this could go, and not just negative.

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True, camouflage could help keep the foal safe from predators and humans, potentially even being oblivious to the dangers as they explore their surroundings.

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Yes, quite.
Decidedly non-grass coloured fluffies just arn`t sporting, are they.

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Yes well I meant genuine accidents. Not the sort of accidents you and I would have over a nest of foals in the grass with a lawn mower.

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Mummah gonna go steppies on Babbeh. Babbeh gonna go squish.

Egad. I remember when Photoshop didn’t even have layers! Dark times.

Nice when you find an app that works better :slight_smile:

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