I imagine the stallion saying to the foals, “youwe next dumme enf babbhes”
I’m trying to figure out if she’s liking it or not.
Otay wittle babbehs dis ow you gib gud spwecial huggies- demonstrates- Otay ow yu twie
Nooo don’t eat that, little orange baby!!!
Bad miwkies
Bad miwkies indeed!!
Oh my sweet Jesus. It’s perfection. I had a dream about this, and now it’s reality.
I’m not sure if I’m more disgusted or impressed. That’s… Wow.
You dream about camp, where pigmy ponies fuck ?
Orange one have seen some shit before, but this takes the cake for him.
Only if it’s a wet dream, then yes.
No. No she doesn’t.
Camp Bad Special Huggies.
A certain Monty Python sketch is coming to mind. I him stopping and berating the brown one for not paying attention.
Where is this located, Lake Enfies?
I think I’ve seen this doujinshi before.
I think I located in fucking in Austria
To be fair, do you not have freaky fluffy dreams?