Wowee zowee! All that fluffy goodness with no bones!
How do I break his widdle weggies then?
Just gonna have to remove the little blob of flesh that is his weggies I suppose
You don’t need to find a hole, you just wrap it around your dick like your fucking a tortilla wrap.
I mean, hypothetically of course.
Can I inquire about that pink pipe cleaner thing beneath those hairless fluffies?
You can. I can’t guarantee I’ll have an answer tho
Snip them off with a pair of secateurs.
Might make a good heated pillow if you can keep it from shitting from weight/pressure…
Search for that b-hole and plug it up real good. You just have to remember to drain it every week or so.
There’s no satisfying crunch or the begging for huwties to go away.
Step on boneless fluffy
laugh track
“Nuu Daddeh, pwease nu taek way fwuffy’s widdle psoodopods!!!”
Is anyone else going to bring up the refurbished jars or…?
Stick him in one of those thingies that cubes a whole block of cheese at once (I forget the name). Perfect chunks, ready for cooking, no need to mess with bones.
I spy the reused cum jars
Aw, I sorta want one! Nice little neck pillow.
Does it like pasta or would that be offensive as it is also a noodle?
Given that it has no mouth it can only consume the sauce through osmosis
How am I supposed to torture this… abomination? Where’s the fun in not being able to break bones?
Hmm I could feed it laxatives and watching it float in its own shit? Yeah that will work.
I want to see what it does on a treadmill!