Can you do hugbox this Christmas? (Kazetta_the_Alien)

J. Jonah Jameson - could you pay me in advance??? (

Yes this is that old but classic meme from the Sam Rami Spiderman. I had this pop into my head and had to make it along with this brief status update, Yeah.
So uuuh. I’m not dead or quitting the community or anything, life has just been harassing me nonstop and I’ve had like no free time. So The best way to do that is give myself breathing room and come back mid-January in 2024. Make it so I ain’t gotta worry about art on top of everything else.

I love this little community and all you guys/girls/whateveryouare. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year, or whatever your equivalent is and will see you all later.

(P.s. I saw that Lezersugar died in the first round, LMAO!, Also the meme image below has been me since the tournament started and throughout all of december,)

Torunament Life
Seriously you are all cool and I look forward to making more stuff later on.