Canary dance at the river Styx by (that1hugboxer)

It took a long talk but holly

Was no longer scared of Trantor

So it turns out that

The vet had no idea what was going on with Trantor but as a fan of samurai movies he found it endlessly amusing

“So tell me are you going to style his mane into a Chonmage?

Give him a little kimono and obi?”

You want to be mad

but you had to admit that sounded pretty amazing

You took Trantor back home

And head to work

Your coworkers inform you that the daycare is out of sketti

And you are the one who has to go get more

The closest place that sold it was a

Family run convenience store a few blocks away

The store was owned and run by

Mr Papademitri and his family

You knew the owner quite well

Your first summer job was working at this very store

He was a kind man

A little too loud and outgoing for his own good sometimes

But a fair boss and the kind of person who genuinely cares about others

You enter the shop and Mr Papademitri greets you in a thick Greek accent

“Well look who is!”

Mr Papademitri comes over and gives you a bear hug

“How’s your family doing!?”

After catching up

You tell Mr Papademitri that you need a case of canned spaghetti

“One case of spaghetti coming right up!”

A man walks in from the back room his face obscured by the case of spaghetti cans he is carrying

As he sets the case down on the counter

You get a look at his face

This is too good to be true

“Well fancy seeing you here”

Mr Papademitri’s face lights up

“How wonderful! I see you’ve met my nephew!”

You have the biggest shit eating grin right now

“Oh I know him all right.

He broke into my house and ate all my brownies.”


Commence the verbal and physical beat down that only a relative can give.


2 things to fear

  1. Your mom finding out you ate weed browmies
  2. Grandpa