Candy and Clyde by LongFluffering

Sweet lord I hope there a second part to this. I love how stupid Candy is, the way her sensitive baby fell off her back when she was listening to the rules is priceless. I fucking Love it. The attention to detail it’s a strong fetish of mine.

Plus Seeing her take punishment for her sensitive fat baby is priceless. I seriously the artist behind this lovely comic continues this on. I want to see candy go through an ordeal of pain just for her sensitive baby.


I want to see a continuation of this as well…maybe the owner turns them against each other? Also you just know clyde will get more bloated i think…


im new to all this and do have to ask, why all the hate on the fluffies, clyde is just a baby and doesn’t know any better, now i do understand some of the hate for the “smarty fluffies” but yeah why the hate i’ve read some comics where the fluffy is genuine and just wants love and they do some awful shit, an explanation as to why the abuse would be appreciated open my eyes if you will


Idk man it’s something you just get or you don’t. I’m kind of surprised you would go through the trouble to join if you don’t understand why people make abuse content. Fluffies are fucking annoying, unlike real animals or people they have no inherent value. I personally have a lot of pent up anger I can express in these comics. If you think this is bad you should see some of the other stuff people have made.


For some people it can be cathartic to see the fluffies facing needless and horrible abuse, even without finding them irritating. I find most depictions, including this, very cute (which makes it much more impactful).

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So…I’ve seen a few justifications/explanations.

  1. It’s just funny watching Fluffies suffer. Their saccharine worldview leaves them unprepared for even the slightest discomfort let alone hardcore abuse, and the disconnect makes it amusing.

  2. If you lean hard into the toy aspect of Biotoy? All the talk of hugs and love and nyu fwiend is fake. It’s no more real than any other talking doll, just happens to be one made of meat. We might empathize a bit but…it’s just someone breaking a toy for entertainment in world, so why worry?

  3. Considering the amount of small and petty injustices people tend to go through in their everyday lives for no damn good reason, seeing something innocent and trusting suffer worse acts as a sort of “Well, at least it’s not THAT” and makes the rest of the day’s ills seem a little less bad. schadenfreude via fluffy.

Also Clyde? Clyde is evil. Panel 9. That LOOK.

He may only be a foal, and he may have SBS, but in that chubby innocent blue body lurks the mind of a smarty.

I actually want the bad guy to win this one, because Clyde is adorable and malicious while his mother is hapless and hilarious.

that makes sense thanks for explaining it

god, its stupid little wall-eyes. i want to pinch its little fat cheeks.


have it end with Candy killing Clyde.

(post deleted by author)

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Damn, i LOVE how chubby and pinchable you draw fluffies! If i did abuse, i’d love to string em up like those water-filled punch balloons and go to town!

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So adorable that I want to hit it with a baseball bat.

this owner is so stupid. The fluffy did it. How stupid of a owner

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