cannibal fluffies

are just fluffies that eat other fluffies, they have regular fluffy strength, smarts, behaviors, and speed, and they worse than fluffies cause they try to eat pets, people, fluffies with loving owners and animals also they live short than the non-cannibal fluffy cause eating its own kind does nothing for it and the reason they have weird eye color is because of malnutrition


Before anyone else says it, yes, it depends on the head-canon.

But, @Fluffy_Sea_dragon2 is talking about the default version of cannibal fluffies, not the many variations/subspecies other people have created.


yep and i kinda thinks it make sense

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Are fluffy teeth even strong enough to break the skin of other fluffies?


yes but not humans

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or animals just imagine a bunch of fluffies trying to bite and eat you

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All Fluffy biology is plot-related in function.

Fluffies can cause necrosis, and bite through steel. Except most plots don’t give them that armor, their steel biting strength only kicks in when an author needs one to bite clean through Fluffy bone or wipe out all plant life on an area to cause famine. Necrosis only happens to other Fluffies, when the story needs an epilogue/punchline that requires them to live a while.

They can jump a skyscraper and walk through solid objects, but only when the plot calls for them to suddenly appear someplace high with no explanation how.
They are unbreakable and can heal from anything, unless the plot needs them to die from sneezing or explode from skipping one step on the stairs.

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ok that very nice explantion

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in most headcannons, cannibal fluffies are, not so much smarter but cleverer than normal fluffies. Think, cannibal fluffies are to fluffies what serial killers are to normal people. They can trick other fluffies, low bar I know, and stalk them effectivly but they themselves will still fall for most things other fluffies will fall for.

Also their teeth are jagged and sharp but their jaw muscles still aren’t any stronger than a normal fluffy. So if they were to bite a human the damage would come from the sharpness rather than force applied. So it’d basically be like paper cuts where the teeth scrapped the skin. So I’d imagine the possible infection would be far far more dangerous than the actual wound.

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okay adding that to the list

Oh, and this has never been outright stated but I always got the sense that they are like other fluffies in that they are omnivores its just that they really love the taste of fluffy flesh so they’ll eat that over anything else if they get the chance. So if there aren’t other fluffies around they eat grass and other plant matter to survive. Think of it like fluffy meat is to cannibal fluffies what ‘sketties’ are to normal fluffies; or I guess ‘tummy sketties’ are to cannibal fluffies what normal ‘sketties’ are to normal fluffies.

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