Cannibal Micro Herd: Bestest Babbehs awe da Bestest Nummies by Mikahorsie


Finally, a bestest baby that’s good for something! Just like other scavengers, micros are going for the soft, easy bits first- the eyes, tongue, open injuries, and testicles. With luck, the fluffy’s natural healing factor will ensure it is alive as long as possible through the feast.

Did it get trampled by an adult normal fluffy or something? Those large half circles on its middle and back weggie look a bit like hoofsie marks.


Those are Micros Moving around on the Bestest’s Inside. They would take bites at the organs and move around like Ants in an Ant Farm

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Mm mm mm mm that is the good shit

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@Ace wrote a story with parasitic microfluffs Welcome Home #1 (Ace)

Gruesome stuff

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Cool idea
Now imagine a whole cluster of a micro herd using a random fluffys skin as a disguise

I’m very happy to see this idea. I’ve only made jokes about it before so nice to see it being done seriously.

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Well … now thats were i left bestest … - sighs - im am so fired for this

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This reminds me of those parasite fish that drill into a thing and eat it from the inside.

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