Can't seem to post anymore.

Not sure why, but the site seems to keep giving me a Server 500 error when trying to post. At first I thought it was an issue with the length of the post, so I chopped it into halves… But then it still continued to 500 me. Not sure what’s up. Was trying to post the next bit of my story.

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Server 500 error is a fairly generic error.
In short something went fubar on the server site but it can’t tell you any specifics.
The solution for glitches like that so far seems to switch browser.

( getting the mail server going again broke a LOT of things )

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Hey, I’m sorry to hear it. Much like AMDk7 suggested, try a different browser for now, depending on your configuration it’s possible that you have cached a faulty version of the website that doesn’t send properly. I’m going to do a proper rebuild of Discourse tomorrow in the hopes of fixing that, but no promises.


I’ll try clearing my stuff out before switching browsers. I’m on Chrome, just in case that helps any.

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Cleaning your cache might help.
But there is no real pattern Chrome users get FC to run on Firefox.
While Firefox users get FC to run on Edge, and so on.

Tech stuff

Switching browsers is a bit of a rigorous fix
but some users are not so tech savvy so its easier to just ask them to switch the browser
instead of cleaning up their cache

Don’t quote me on this, but isn’t there an upper limit to how many posts you can make per day at each trust level?

Maybe, but I doubt that it would error with a generic 500, it likely would tell you so.

That being said, @ThatOneFluffyMare could you try it now and see if you still run into issues?

Once I can get to my desktop, I’ll try again.

I forgot to mention that it happens across both my desktop and laptop’s Chrome.

I haven’t posted in a few days, so this wouldn’t make any sense. I only make one post a day at max. Maybe twice on a rare day that I write and draw something.

Yes there is.
But by the point you reach member or trusted( one of the two)
You are pretty much allowed unlimited posts.

That however has nothing to do with a server 500 error.
A server 500 error means something has gone fubar on the server side.
Discourse is just the software on top the front end we are using
And the limit is something Discourse would inform you about.
It wont throw an 500 error at you because of it.

( shrugs ) I’m not terribly savvy when it comes to these systems. I threw science at the wall.

I hope it helped and I hope further they get you sorted out @ThatOneFluffyMare. Good luck.

Just retested it four times, twice on my desktop, twice on my laptop with Chrome and Edge. Still getting 500.

I’m not having a go at you.
Just explaining the differences.

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I didn’t think you were.

If you wanted to hurt something pathetic, you’re on the right site. ( more pathetic than me I mean. )

I mostly lean towards hugbox actually.

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Could you do me a favor and try a forced refresh on your website? If you press Ctrl + F5 in on the website, it should reload with a newer version. Try that, and let me know if that helps. Other than that, I’m at a loss.

Do you have a mobile phone ?
Try posting from that.

Did that, cleared cookies, nothing helps lmao. I guess my shit must be permabroke.

Come to think of it, when I was writing, the preview box just went blank… Maybe that has something to do with it?

You could try flushing your DNS, maybe that will help. Open your CMD (if you don’t know how to do that, perhaps google it) and type the following:
ipconfig /flushdns

Otherwise, give it a day or two and try again, it could just be that you need to wait.

That seems really strange and a big indicator as to why it doesn’t work, honestly I’d love to personally look at your network settings but without remote control I can’t really help much.

Come to think of it, how did you make this post when you cannot make posts?

I’m watching this entire conversation, and being thankful you’re watching over things, @Ryou.
Before we had you here I would have been completely lost in how to advise these folks.
So even though things aren’t perfect yet, don’t let it drag you down.
You’re doing a damn fine job.

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That’s a good question. Maybe the site has a character limit or something?