Carter's Creature Comforts Ch. 1 [By BFM101]

For anyone who’s read the Prologue, I’m leaving that alone for the moment and instead focussing on the 2 and a half years between the end of Frederick’s Filthy Fluffy Farm and the start of Carter’s Creature Comforts, before picking back up with Katherine and Spike for the next series.

Since it is such a long time to cover in one series, I’m gonna try something a little different; each chapter will have its own self-contained Fluffy story while together they make up an overarching narrative following Lewis Carter’s attempts to rework The Farm into something more sustainable.

I’m gonna try and keep abuse to a minimum with this series, it’s gonna be mostly a combination of hugbox and sadbox depending on the story, with a little bit of moronbox to lighten the mood.

Monday: 08:57am

Lewis Carter didn’t even realise he was holding his breath until he finished clocking in, the first time ever he’d done so before his 9am start. This was a big day, not only was it his first day back after a long overdue holiday, it was also his first day in charge of his own sub-section of The Farm.

Lewis had been working on this plan for the full two-weeks of his holiday, working out the best way to utilise results and help The Farm fix its shitty public opinion. He had a few ideas he needed to run by Frederick Peterson first, but for the most part he was confident he could get it to work.

Speaking of the devil, Frederick Peterson himself appeared pretty much as soon as Lewis clocked in. Probably not a coincidence.

“Carter, how was your time off?” Peterson asked in his jovial manner.

“Much appreciated.”

“Well I’m happy to see you well-rested. You ready for what comes next?”

“I sure hope sure.” Lewis tried to hide to nerves in his voice.

“Excellent, follow me.”

Peterson led Lewis through The Farm, passing several Bays along the way, Lewis caught sight of Bay 4 and felt that uncomfortable shiver run down his spine. He hated that it was still there. Eventually Peterson stopped in front of Bay 45, a former testing Bay that was phased out a year or so back, Peterson unlocked the door and led Lewis inside.

The place was surprisingly clean, if a little sterile with its pure white walls and floor, against the back wall was Lewis’ desk, complete with a computer already set up for admin work. On both side walls were six small structures – three on each side – that looked almost like miniature dog-houses, big enough for a regular sized dog, or one Fluffy family. There was clearly enough room for more but true to his word, Peterson was only giving Lewis a few Fluffies as a test-pool.

“I had the guys give this place a quick dust and polish yesterday.” Peterson explained. “Figured if you’re gonna go down the hugbox route, might as well have a head-start.”

“It’s great sir, thank you.”

“Not a worry, I’m looking for this to work as much as you are. But more for my own ego than anything else.”

Lewis shrugged. “Better being good for a shitty reason than bad for no reason.”

“You speak truth Carter, I like it. So, have you thought about which Fluffies you wanna try this out on?”

“I’ve got a few in mind, but I’ll need to run by some of the other Bays and work out some of the missing gaps. There is one Fluffy I need as soon as possible, I’d like to have 30-19 here with me sir.”

“The nurse-mare? Isn’t she a little too old to be having kids now?”

“It’s not for breeding purposes sir, it’s for assistance. 30-19 is one of the most well-behaved Fluffies we’ve ever had sir, she’s Alicorn friendly, she’s trained with litterbox use and good manners, and she’s an amputee which means she can teach the foals about ‘no-leg’ friends. She’d be a huge advantage to this project by having her here to help teach the young-uns the right manners.”

“Alright, she’s yours, I’ll send word to Katherine that you’ll be picking her up later today.”

“Thank you sir, I’ll send you a finalised list of what Fluffies I want by lunchtime.”

“You do that Carter, I’ve got faith in your little experiment but we need results.”

“I’ll do my best sir.”

Frederick nodded and left Lewis to his new surroundings. As soon as door closed behind Peterson, Lewis let out an almighty sigh.

He really needed to work on his breathing.

“Kat-a-wine nu wook happy.”

“No she did not.”

Lewis carried 30-19 down the hallways towards her new home at Bay 45, Katherine had received word that Lewis was to take 30-19 and she had made it no secret that she wasn’t a fan of this suggestion.

Katherine might have an abusive streak but she recognised a good Fluffy when she saw one and 30-19 was one of the best.

“Whewe Woo-Ish take Wun-Nine?”

“I’m taking you to a new position One-Nine, you’ll be working with me to help raise good babies.”

“Bu, aww babbehs am gud babbehs.”

“True, but some of them could be better, you’ll be helping me teach them to use the litterbox, to be polite and to not be scared of pointy-wingie Fluffies. And between you and me, it’s not just the kids who need to learn, it’s the parents as well.”

One-Nine nodded, remembering her experiences with bad parents in the past, even her own mother had treated her differently because of One-Nine’s dull grey fluff, not abusive but neglect hurt in its own way.

“Du Wun-Nine hab babbehs?” She asked, a little hope in her voice.

“I’m afraid not One-Nine, you’re too old to have babies now, either you’ll go forever sleepies, or they will, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Ok, Wun-Nine undastan.” The poor mare’s head dropped and Lewis could see tears forming in her eyes, he cuddled her closer in his arms and scratched her head, earning a cute little coo of affection.

“Hey now, you’re going to be my number one girl, after me you’re the one in charge so you’ll be looking after EVERYONE’S foals, you can play with them, teach them, even feed them if one mother has too many babies to give them all milkies. You’ll have more foals to look after than you know what to do with.”

That cheered One-Nine up immensely, they might not be her babbehs, but she would still look after them like they were.

Lewis suddenly had an idea. “You know, if you’re going to be my assistant, I’ll need to give you a proper name. How would you like… Martha?”

The mare’s eyes lit up. “Fwuffy hab namsie? Neba hab namesie before, wub Mawfa, fank yu Woo-Ish.”

Lewis chuckled as Martha hugged him tighter, he heard her humming to herself as he opened the door into Bay 45.

Inside he found Alan Fairfield setting up the new arrivals, Lewis has picked out the 12 Fluffies he needed, 6 males, 6 females, in order to put this plan into motion. All of them had shown to be well-tempered and somewhat intelligent, which was important to break them out of the habits The Farm built into them. Lewis put One-Nine down on her own special bed next to his desk and went to help Alan.

“Thanks again for the help Alan, it’s gonna be tough going until I can hire some extra hands.”

“Don’t read too much into it Lewis, I got a bet on with Jackson about how long this will last.”

“Really? You for or against this?”

“I’m in your corner Lou. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still happy to kick a few of the little fuckers to the curb if they deserve it, but if you think you can at least try to fix it then I’ll help all I can.”

“Glad to hear it Al, now let’s take a look at our new friends.”

Lewis took a look over his Fluffy collection, all of them were in their own separate carriers, a few of them crying about being in a sorry box, but most of them were quiet. Lewis made a checklist to ensure he had the right stock, as well as matching them up and naming them.

The Males

Sky Blue Unicorn with White Mane - Adam

Red Alicorn with White Swirl Pattern - Barry

Black Pegaus with Yellow Spots and Yellow Mane - Clive

Golden Earthie with Grey Mane - Dave

Blue Alicorn with Dark Blue/Grey Underbelly and White Mane - Eric

Turquoise Pegasus with Violet Stripes - Frank

The Females

Yellow Alicorn with Pink Diamond Pattern and Pink Mane - Ally

Lilac Pegasus with Light Blue Mane - Betty

Pink Unicorn with Glittery Fluff and Black Mane - Clara

Peach Alicorn with Lilac Mane & Curly Fluff - Darcy

Sapphire Earthie With Iridescent Silver Fluff and Purple Mane - Emma

Solid Brown Alicorn - Felicity

Alan looked at Felicty confused. “Why her? I thought the idea was good quality Foals?”

“The Alicorn gene will be a money maker by itself, plus I want to use her to show that ‘bad colours’ are still good Fluffies.”

Lewis stepped forward so that he was in the centre of the room.

“Attention Fluffies.”

Every pair of eyes was suddenly on Lewis, wondering why he was about to say.

“My name is Lewis, I am in charge of this room, anything that happens needs to happen by my order, if you have an issue, you come tell me first or if I’m not available you speak to my assistant Martha here. I am not your daddy, but I am also not your master, you may refer to me just as Lewis. Am I understood?”

The response of ‘Yes Woo-Ish’ told him they got it, though he heard a few dour notes from being told he wasn’t their new daddy. Lewis understood the need for discipline, which is why he was opting for a tough but fair approach, but he didn’t want the Fluffies getting attached to him, better to get that out the way soon as possible.

He continued with his speech. “In a moment I’m going to let you out of your cages so that you can meet the other Fluffies, these are going to be your new friend, some of them are going to be your special-friends. HOWEVER…”

There was a series of sudden shrieks at the Lewis’ bark.

“…You may not give any special-huggies until I say so, I have already chosen which two of you are going to be paired up, this time is just for playing and getting to know each other, you are all going to be in this room for a while, I want all of you to get along. Understood?”

Another chorus of ‘Yes Woo-Ish’ sounded out, with a couple of them piping up apologies for making ‘scardie-poopies’.

“Ok then, when I open your cage I will give you a name and then you can go and play.”

The prospect of names cheered the Fluffies up immensely, and all of them were excited to meet their new friends. One by one Lewis opened the cage doors and gave the Fluffies their new names – every one of them said ‘Wub nyu namesie’ or some variation – while Alan set out toys for them to play with.

Things went off pretty damn well, there was a few iffy moments with the amount of Alicorns in the mix, but with some gentle coaxing from ‘Mummah Martha’, the Fluffies quickly got over their fears and they all fell into games of huggy-tag, ball-kick and dancies.

Lewis did notice that Martha did have to tell Frank off for trying to give special-huggies to Emma, but that was the only incident, otherwise the group hit it off quite well.

As playtime drew to a close, Lewis decided to pair everyone together in time for dinner, this was part of the reason he named them all earlier, so that he could pair up each Fluffy with the corresponding letter. I.E. Adam was paired with Ally, Barry with Betty, etc. Once each Fluffy pair was set and giving the chance to coo and cuddle their new partner, Lewis showed all of them their new homes, complete with a family sized bed, blankets, a litterbox connected to the outside and bowls for food and water.

In Fluffy eyes, it was near paradise.

“Before I feed you all, I want to go over some ground rules for what we will be doing here. The Fluffy you are with now is your special-friend, and they shall be your special-friend forever more, you are free to have as many babies as you like SO LONG, as you both agree. Anyone caught giving bad-huggies to their special-friend, or anyone else’s special-friend will be removed from this room and never allowed to return.”

Lewis spotted Darcy in the corner with her hoof raised.

“Yes Darcy?”

“Du Fwuffis git tu keep babbehs?”

“I’m glad you asked Darcy, because this is something I wanted to make sure you all understood. When you have your babies, you will be allowed to raise them all yourselves until they are old enough to eat nummies, during that time you will all teach your foals how to be good Fluffies so that when they’re old enough, they can be given to mummies and daddies who want to look after your foal and give them their own family. We understand that this will be hard for a lot of you, which is why each time you have babies, you will be allowed to keep one of them to stay here, where they will be given their own home and special-friend to raise foals of their own, going through the same process you are doing right now.”

The chatter amongst the Fluffies was excitable, all of them were happy they got to keep some of their babies and even get the chance to meet their baby’s babies. Lewis moved quickly before their short attention span was lost to him.

“FLUFFIES! I want to make something clear, the babies that stay here will not be chosen by you, they will be chosen by either myself, or by Martha. There will be no bestesh babbehs, all babies are good and shall be treated equally, anyone who disobeys this rule will be removed and never allowed to return. Understood?”

Again the Fluffies gave a chorus of ‘Yes Woo-Ish’ but Lewis knew he had to keep on top of that once the mares started giving birth. With the main rules in place, he turned to Martha, showing her a small button and microphone set up on the wall beside her bed.

“Now Martha, you’re in charge when I’m not here, if anything happens while I’m away then you press this button and when the light here turns green, you speak into this thing and I’ll be able to hear you. That way you can tell me if anything’s happened or if I need to come help you with something.”

“Ok Woo-Ish, Mawfa undastan, pwess but-on to tawk tu Woo-Ish if Fwuffies be bad.”

“That’s right, good girl. Alright I’m gonna go get something to eat, you make sure everyone’s happy, ok?”


Lewis gave Martha a quick pet before helping Alan dish out the kibble for the Fluffies meal. They got out of the Bay just as the first rounds of ‘enf, enf, enf’ were starting.

Alan chuckled. “Man they could not wait to start humping, could they?”

“They’re Fluffies Al, they love babies, and they love making babies just as much.”

“You sure you got this under control? You won’t be available 24/7 and it looks like they’re gonna need a lot of care.”

“There’s an office in the backroom that I’m gonna use as a sleeping quarters, at least for the first few days until I can hire some help. I know the risk of burnout but hopefully it won’t be for long, besides I really want this to work.”

“I’m with ya Lou, you seem to have a good lot in there with you, and with Martha’s help you can…”

The conversation was interrupted by Lewis’ responder beeping, he’d been gone two minutes and already Martha needed him.

He couldn’t help but feel a little dejected.

Lewis had just left the room and given Martha the talk about calling him, she knew it was for emergencies only and hoped she’d never have to use it. She took a moment to walk around the room, checking in on the new arrivals, most of them were eating their kibble, a couple of them had already started ‘enfing’ which was fine, they were supposed to do that anyway. But the one couple she was unsure of was Frank and Felicity, something felt wrong so she got closer to their home to investigate.

Felicity could hear some of the other Fluffies enfing and it set off her baby feeling, she turned to Frank and nuzzled his side.

“Du speciaw-fwiend wan hab babbehs?” She cooed at him.

To her surprise, Frank pushed her away. “Fwank am nu speciaw-fwiend wiv dummeh poopie munstah, nu cawe bout dummeh babbehs, yu jus fow gud-feews.”

Martha only heard Felicity’s cries as Frank mounted her as she was already rushing off to the button, hoping Lewis wasn’t too far away. She slammed her hoof into the button and waited for the light.


“WOO-ISH, FWANK GIBBEN BAD ENFIES, COME BAK NYO!” Martha spoke so fast that it was almost impossible to understand her, but Lewis caught the gist of what she was saying and was already running back.

Lewis and Alan crashed through the doors, they could already hear Frank’s grunting while Felicity cried and begged him to stop. Lewis dropped to the floor and tried to reach into the home before…


Too late, Frank finished inside Felicity just before Lewis grabbed him, his no-no stick was still erect and wet as he was pulled out of the home, Martha immediately ran in to comfort Felicity.

“Eek, nu wike bad upsies.”

Lewis fumed. “I don’t care what you don’t like, what did I tell you about giving bad-huggies?”

Frank turned his nose up. “Nu cawe, dat am poopie munstah, nu am speciaw-fwiend, poopies onwy for gibben gud-feews.”

Lewis wanted to throw Frank against the wall, but he knew the entire reason he had this place was to stop that behaviour. He took a deep breath and turned to Alan.

“Take this guy out of here, throw him back into whatever waste hole he crawled out of.”

Alan took Frank, noticing Lewis’ defeated expression. “Sure thing Lou, you want me to do anything to him first or…?”

“Do what you want, I just want him gone.”

Alan just nodded and carried Frank out of The Bay, taking him back to his original box. Frank didn’t like leaving the comfort of The Bay.

“Whewe dummeh hoomin takin Fwank, wan gu bak tu safe-woom wib nummies and enfie-mawes.”

Alan smirked at the little bastard. “You broke the rules Frank, you don’t get to be in the safe-room anymore.”

“NU! Fwank wan gu bak, dummeh hoomin wisten to Fwank nyo.”

“No I don’t think I will, you didn’t listen to Lewis, so why should I listen to you?”

Frank went to argue, but stopped when he realised he couldn’t escape that logic, except he still refused to take responsibility for his actions.

“Dis aww poopie mawe fauwt.”

“I was afraid you’d say that Frank, which is why I brought you here.”

Frank looked up, this wasn’t his original home, this was Bay 18, the medical bay. But there was nothing wrong with him.

Alan opened the door and flagged down one of the nurses.

“Hi there, I was wondering if I could book this little guy in for an operation.”

“Certainly, what kind of operation will he be needing?”

“He’s been a bad Fluffy, so book him in for a castration, as soon as possible please.”

Back in Bay 45, Lewis and Martha comforted Felicity who was still crying, occasionally they heard her mutter ‘dummeh poopie munstah’ under her breath.

“Felicity, I’m sorry Frank hurt you, it was completely my fault, I didn’t realise he was a meanie, I should’ve checked that before letting him be your special-friend. But he’s gone now, you’ll never have to see him again.”

“Bu… Fewi-sitty hab tummeh-babbehs, can feew dem. Babbehs need daddeh fow nummies an wub.”

“They don’t need a mean daddy like Frank, I’ll help you raise your foals right, so will Martha, and I promise you, I will help you find a special-friend who loves you, who will show you that you’re not a ‘poopy monster’, you’re a wonderfully Fluffy that deserves happiness.”

Lewis stayed by Felicity’s side for a few more minutes before she was comforted enough to fall asleep, the tears from Frank’s attack starting to dry on her face.

Lewis took a deep sigh, this was gonna be harder than he thought.

Chapter 2


Aaaand I know what I’m reading during lunch today! :heart:


Will josef be committing any sabotage or appearing in the farm at all? you dont have to tell me if you don’t want to spoil it.


Go Lewis go! You can make this work, show both humans and fluffies that things can be done the right way, not just abusing fluffies all day long.


I might have him do a walk-on cameo to taunt Lewis, but that’ll be the extent of his appearance, I don’t want him stealing the spotlight too much.


Already cheering for Martha and Felicity! Poor Felicity!


I need Lewis bonking Josef on the head. Or anyone else, for that matter. I need Josef getting bonked in my souls.


lol - while I wouldn’t mind that either, its not necessarily satisfying in any meaningful way. Him getting his brain all twisted up, having to admit being beaten, even just a little? More delicious and lingering a flavor.

I kind of want the two to end up with a love/hate relationship. Neither truly able to beat the other, and sometimes even needing the other, hating themselves for it. I say that even though I hate Josef and like Lewis!


The series I have planned after this one will bring Lewis and Josef together for a sketchy alliance. It’s one neither of them want but they’re stuck with it until the job’s done.


Pardon me while I drool a little. I’ll stand by what I’ve said in the past… the conflict between the two will make for some good fiction. Win some, lose some, call it a day when all is said and done.


I knowwww but when I find a villain I truly despise, I am unhappy until I see them ded. It’s the bloody Governor from The Walking Dead all over again. Two and a half seasons waiting for him to slip up and croak damn it. But it was worth it. The feeling of a villain realizing all their misdeeds were in vain, knowing they failed… it feels good.

Am I the baddie? (Cit.)


I grew up with that sort of thing as well. A lot of fiction (especially as a kid) seemed to gravitate towards “the bad guy gets theirs in the end.” Conversely, as I grew up, there were characters I loved to hate like Q (Star Trek) or Alfred Bester (Babylon 5) and things wouldn’t be the same if they got what was coming to them…

I think its why there are folks who simply prefer “justified” abuse (like myself) over abuse for the sake of abuse (which is, so far as I understand, more traditional).


Funny both are ying and yang and both needed to maintain “balance” basically hope Lewis will go more professional dealin with Josef .

I hope the project will succeed, im sure there are few hiccups here and there,be strong Lewis! Show Frederick it can be done.

Damn Frank ,the castration was the satisfying music for an asshole like him.


Just want to drop a note to thank you for your stories. I’ve really enjoyed the wide gambit of themes you’ve provided, and look forward to more!


I love Josef - he cannot die anytime soon and if he does, I hope he takes out an arena of hugboxers on his way…

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Great work as always. I’m curious as to how castration will work for Frank at a breeding mill. Do they have uses for castrated stallions or is it just an extra “f*ck you” step for the fluffy to be disposed of?

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It’s mainly a Fuck You, and something Lewis will try to phase out later on. But there are some manual labour jobs they can get Frank to do so he’s still useful