Catharsis please?

Thanks. I just got no idea how to survive. I don’t speak any languages and my skills are pretty much zero.
Friend suggested I could get to him and then us girls figure it out. I still need some cash to estabilish myself. I don’t know how to do this. He said things I did not understand.


Aight I didn’t want to be the one but for the love of Christ do not take advice from an unemployed government subsidy due to his chronic unemployment due to being unemployable.

I implore you to reach out to @Dragonixa before you consider anything as extreme as uprooting your entire life to go on the road.


There’s plenty of friendly, helpful people on FluffyCommunity who could help you more than I can. All I can really do is offer advice, and my advice is to run as soon as possible.

Moving to a different country is drastic, but if staying in your home country means you might be killed for something you have no control over, can anyone blame you for running away?


Stay safe.


What else remains if the government itself considers me a threat to women?

I am making plans, someone already said there is a bed for me abroad, but I try to find someone still in Hungary. No big chances here either, this is a dead end.


I will be safe.


Insanely fucked up thing to be dealing with. A silver lining potentially is at least you’re not in the same environment with the creep anymore, but that obviously doesn’t undo the harm caused already. I’m really sorry to hear you’ve been put in such a shit situation, please stay safe. I hope you’ll be able to get out of there to somewhere better.


Will do. Thank you.


If anyone got some nice stories, please share. I wish something helping thru the pain, by having the bad fluffies and people getting their suffering.