I’m sure you can always ask questions before posting, like I did a few months ago! But overall I really like these new rules c:
Look, we’re not searching for ways to crack down on creators and force them to do what we say.
We’re placing a minimum standard on what can be posted on FC.
“Here is my fluffy art!”
the image is a single gray pixel on a white background
I’m exaggerating, but not a lot.
This is why I don’t visit the subreddit much anymore. Hasn’t really felt like a fluffy subreddit, and more of a subreddit for 13 year olds to shit post mspaint-esque pictures. Though now that I’m saying it, it sounds more and more like the booru.
I don’t mind them either. I don’t feel hemmed in at the moment, but at the same time some of my favorite writers tend to have more intelligent, aggressive, etc., fluffies. I love to hate Crimson and Crowly from @BFM101 but don’t want them forbidden for being too smart or awful, you know?
That’s appreciated.
“I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [“hard-core pornography”], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it…”
-US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, 1964
Pretty much what is being applied here since it isn’t easily definable but easy enough to spot when it’s done.
Would you prefer to write the definition of what constitutes fluffy art and where the line has to be drawn?
I was wondering if the art I’ve been putting out this week counted as in the rules or not. I’ve been on a kick lately.
It involve smart fluffies walking on two legs and fighting with magic.
it was more like a furry subreddit than a fluffy one.
nothing really reminded me of fluffies, plus i think certain boxes were banned? overall shithole
Soo, my headcannon can best be described as a fusion between Genetic Marvels (#05) and No Longer a Commercial Secret (#12) in terms of established universes.
Is this basically just a hard stop on both of those headcannons?
Are new fluffy adjacent creatures not allowed anymore, even if the stories are predominantly around fluffies?
i got that part, i was just more concerned on the content i tend to post, with fluffys that are usually smarter than usual like in the non-weirdbox booperverse of things
Well it is Reddit, what did you expect ?
I mean, they don’t have the speech impediments, they walk on their hind legs, are capable of both magic and combat? Doesn’t sound much like a fluffy to me. That said, I really like your art style.
Who me? I’m just relating it to a real world example of a comparable situation, not as a criticism in any way, shape, or form.
I’m completely for this.
Just from hearing the description, I would say that these creations are borderline.
I want to err on the side of freedom, but I would also like to pull us back to our root subject.
I don’t plan to put any Hard Stops on most stories.
Still waiting for the butt reveal myself.
I understand that this isn’t meant to curtail the flow of work let onto the site as much as it is a measure to keep things “grounded” in the realm of the community roots, but what is your take on regular, stupid fluffies, but in bizarre settings?
The robot lore and OVERHAUL hinge on this juxtaposition, and OVERHAUL goes as far as to land fluffies in the same territory as synthetic faux-androids. IE, synthetic flesh and innards, bound with actual biological tissues.
Maybe a theme week for, oh, April (Fool’s) would be a subspecies or something? Just as a pressure valve? “No” is a perfectly fine response. Bread fluffies were a hell of a lot of fun. And the plant fluffies, for that matter.
Part of what bothers me is the people don’t even try to make use of fluffies as is before they try and improve or change them. Establish a baseline if you want to subvert it, otherwise it’s like folks are trying to show off a kind of donutsteel oc.
No, I won’t say that. New ideas and concepts are important to keeping a flourishing community.
I’m just asking that we try to bring these far-flung ideas closer to our core.