Changes to what is allowed on FluffyCommunity

Hey folks

I’m pretty sure you know me.
I’ve spoken directly to most of you.
I can call most of you my Friends.

I won’t beat around the bush;
Changes need to be made.

The community was given a wide open field to play upon
and now each day there are people finding the boundaries of what can be called “A Fluffy”,
and also what can be allowed in the name of decency.
We are now dealing with stories about tiny dragons (not fluffies)
stories about demons (not fluffies)
stories about jellenheimers (not fluffies)
and more.

At some point we have to stop and say “No More”
And I believe we have reached this point.

From this point onward we are going to be applying a Minimum Standard in regard to what art or what stories are allowed to be posted, here.
I wish I could give you a concrete definition, but this is a difficult subject to pin down, to the liking of everyone involved.

But I will give you some examples

Three-sentence-zero-punctuation paragraphs are NOT going to be counted among fluffy stories.
Single-color mouse-drawn lineart is NOT going to be accepted as fluffy art.

The last thing I ever wanted to be was a gatekeeper.
I want to give everyone as much freedom as I possibly can to explore their creativity;
But there absolutely has to be a baseline.

I am not willing to single out anyone, and say “This is not good enough to be accepted”
I believe most of you can discern what I mean, without any examples.

You cannot just slap two colored squares on a blank canvas and say that it’s “fluffy art”.
Not anymore.

Much as I hate it, we will be gatekeeping to some extent, from now onward.

I’m not planning to remove people’s art or stories for arbitrary reasons.
We are not planning to remove images for having fluffies with long legs or long necks.
We don’t want to delete comics or stories for having hyper-intelligent fluffies.
There is room and precedent for these things
but the fact of the matter is that we’re seeing far too many of them, now.

Starting Today
We will remove any art or stories that go against our rules.
We will also be vigilant in regard to art or stories that try to circumvent these rules in clever ways.

If you want to tell stories about fluffies and how they interact with the world around them, you’re always going to be welcomed.
But if you’re trying to make “perfect fluffies” or “spin offs of fluffies” or “I think this story is really cool so I’m going to tell it with fluffies”…
I’m going to have people discussing your works.
There will be extra scrutiny on your work.
And we may decide that your work does not align with what fluffies are supposed to be.

People are going to be discussing your work to determine whether you’re actually writing fluffy stories, or you’re writing stories and shoehorning fluffies into them to get a bigger audience.

Violation of these boundaries will not be cause for an immediate ban, nor even an immediate warning.
But you can definitely expect a person from our team to speak with you.

I love you folks.
I love the creativity and the passion that can be found here.
I want to nurture these things, and to see them flourish.

Please understand that you’ll have to put in a modicum of effort to have your work accepted.

You are welcome to ask your questions, or to voice your complaints, in this thread.
You will not be punished for voicing your concerns.

Come and speak with us
Tell us your concerns
Tell us what you want to see.
I believe we can come to a collective understanding on this subject.


I’m in agreement with you. If people here are looking to subvert the norms with fluffies (i.e.; super powered fluffies/dragon fluffies) you have to do so well enough for it to be worth it, and have a really good reason. If you’re looking to re-write fluffies entirely, why write/draw fluffies at all?


So if I’m understanding correctly this addresses two separate points.

#1 The effort and quality of work being posted on the site.

#2 Addressing the difference between taking a level of creativity of fluffies and fluffy-related/adjacent beings VS people subverting what a fluffy is and just using the label to make an otherwise unrelated story.

(*by fluffy-related/adjacent beings I’m referring to things like fluffalo or sea-fufflies.)


I believe you understood both points quite well, yes.


There are a certain number of fluffy sub-species that we absolutely Must accept. Mainly because they existed long before our community came into being.
This covers sea-fluffies, bowl-fluffies, cannibal-fluffies, hunter-fluffies, and more.
you Do Not Need To Make Your Own Subspecies of Fluffies to Get Attention.
All you have to do is tell a relatable story!


What about kitsune fluffies ?
Cause those appear to be my thing.


Those have been around for a long time, I can’t wave a wand and say kitsune fluffies never existed.

The point is to try and bring our community back to writing stories and making art about “regular old boring fluffies”

Because that’s what this whole community is based on.

Believe it or not, there are still stories about “regular fluffies” that haven’t yet been told.


Fluffy community should be about fluffies.
I just wanted to know if the ones i focus on the most are considered fluffies and are still allowed.
They are, so I am on board.

To me kitsune fluffies are just fluffies with extra tails and a few behavioral additions.


I still like writing stories about earthies, rather than unicorns or pegasai or alicorns.


Don’t you dare touch my baby spider fluffs. Jk.

Didn’t make them for attention, just made them because making spacial kind of fluffy to use as Halloween decorations is something people in my universe would do. But they aren’t the main focus and never will be.

I can understand the need to put the reins on.


What qualifies as ‘hyper intelligent’ and ‘perfect’ to you?


I shoved or plan to shove unicorns pegasi and alicorns in to kitsune fluffies.
Mostly because those mutations will happens if kitsune fluffies mingle, and have special huggies with normal fluffies .

Kitsune alicorns are very rare and usually malformed.


Spider fluffs have also been around since the booru. Shouldn’t be an issue


hyper-intelligent fluffies = over 100 IQ
perfect fluffies = excellent swimmers, zero speech impediments, super long legs, super long necks, might as well be a real horse

I knew I would have people wanting absolute definite concrete definitions and seamless boundaries, but I cannot give those to you.


-inteligent fluffies
-weird subspecies

kinda joking but kinda concerned lol




Want to make sure I’m not breaking any of the new rules, as I’m pretty new here. My stuff tends to be “experimenting with fluffy DNA to make useful products,” but they’re not intended as subspecies or adding anything to “canon.” But if they come off that way, I can definitely stop.


So, spirit of the law since people are so willing to fuss and haggle and twist the letter of the law? I’ve seen mod teams wrestle with the letter of the law with posters and don’t envy you. It’s an understandable position.

Well, I hope I’m on the right side of things and will keep going til I hear otherwise! I assume Reddit will be the same?

I do wonder if this puts a stop to some ideas I had (ie, “perfect fluffies” and the NASA/Japanese-breed, cup-a-foal), but will wait and see. I’ve got that mill story to finish before anything else.


Well from the looks of it, I’m playing pretty much in the fluffy sandbox
My idiot pones just have extra fluffy tails for the most part.