Charity Event

Hello. I’ll be holding an event lasting from now until December 5th. The event will have interested users submitting either art or stories based on the prompt of ‘Charity’. It doesn’t need to be hugbox, you can have a bunch of fluffies being offered up to a foodbank if you want to. Just please try to have it fit the theme.

One submission per each person. I will be paying $5 to a charitable organization of your choice. When making the submission please tag me in the post and link the organization you want a donation to go to in it. There will be a guaranteed 10 donations with the possibility of more being done depending on interest. If you see a post you particularly like and are able to spare money to their chosen charity, I implore you to do so.


Ooo…I gotta see if I can throw something together for this


Alright. I’ll join.


Sure I’ll play this charity game!

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I think this is a fantastic idea.

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((rubs my gay little hands together))


Hey, guys. Make content for a good cause.

If is for charity, count me in

I will likely be redoing the event hopefully soon in the future. Right now everyone is busy with Battlefluffs and Christmas so, maybe I’ll give it another shot soon

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i will save my voluptuous lady until then o7