Hello everyone! Here’s another entry for this theme week…month… thing-ama-gig
I hope yall enjoy
I hope yall enjoy the last few moments this smarty has!
Let me know what you think
Theme Week
Hello everyone! Here’s another entry for this theme week…month… thing-ama-gig
I hope yall enjoy
I hope yall enjoy the last few moments this smarty has!
Let me know what you think
Theme Week
You know that without a link to the theme week post we might lose it and never see it at the contest, right?
The recipe I mentioned here is a horrible one where you drown a poor little bird, resuscitate it, and drown it again in a different sauce before cooking it alive in boiling sauce. It’s so bad that when it was cooked, the people eating it would put on a blindfold to "hide themselves from god…
It’s illegal, but only recently have people really started enforcing the ban.
here’s a source…
Ah, that makes sense…
Thank you for the link
. . .Surprised I beat ‘fluffies are food’ to the comments.
How can I not love this?
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