Pffffttttt welp time to drown the rest lmao
No. Be poetic about it. Only give them food in mouse traps from now on.
OK compromise drown one as a message and leave the rest for the traps
Off to the glue factory!
That is a good option too
Now CLEAN IT UP, Cherry! I can add some salt, if you like!
Just waiting for someone to enter the comments and somehow make this the dad’s fault
Ah! Preemptive salt! (J/k )
If we’re being serious and not just making dumb accusations for fun, it is pretty much 100% his fault for not having the saferoom secure. The whole point of it is for the fluffies to be unable to get out.
well clearly, if he was smart, he would have quit his job, get his priorities straight, and actually helped her to raise her foals. but alas, he is stupid and his actions are not up to my moral standards, making them absolutely nonsensical
Such is the fate of most splorin’ babbehs.
There it is
The responsibility lies on the one who cares if the foals die. The human doesn’t (aside from the clean up), so it’s on the mare to keep her babbehs alive and safe
Edit: depends on what we’re blaming. Dead foal: mummah. If it’s shit outside of the saferoom, than its his for not blocking off saferoom exits
Oh this 1 I fucking love.
Hmmmmmm nah. It was the mom and the dumb foal’s fault for leaving the saferoom. Lawl.
It actually was the dummeh babbeh fault for exploring. Dummeh babbeh get foveba sweepie!
This is one of my favorite comics.
Awesome story and few of the first I saw on gayroomy dub in youtube.
That’s what you get if you don’t look after your Baabehs.