I’ll take 03
I’m not smart enough to write a really good story about it (I’ve only done a little bit), but in real life chickens lay about one unfertilized, edible egg every day. Therefore I had a chicken-fluffy not realizing that the egg was unfertilized and defending it as though it expected it to be a “Soon-babbeh!” when of course that was stupid and not how anything works.
The thing is, this happens in real life with chickens, too. For no real reason, they can get ‘broody’ and try to incubate and care for an egg that will never bear any young. It even stops them from their normal egg-bearing. That kind of instinct-driven but useless mothering instinct is so very Fluffy Pony, don’t you think?
That is false. The Aurochs was herbivorous.
I can’t find anything about them being even occasionally omnivorous, but even if they were, they were not carnivorous.
Carnivores only or primarily eat meat. So it’s impossible for the Aurochs to have been carnivorous.
Well, the Irish red deer on the isle of Rhum have been known to eat seabirds, b/c of a vitamin deficiency…
I want#3
Probably a case of the public education on my part then. My apologies.
The ones with Xs are taken. Three has been taken.
1 available
2 available
3 x
4 available
5 x
6 available
7 available
8 x
9 available
10 x
11 available
12 available
13 x
14 available
15 available
16 available
I want #2
Mixing fluffies and chickens seems like a bad idea. I about a year into raising chickens, with a recent addition of 10 hen chicks, and they are by far the most stupid creatures I’ve ever had the curse of dealing with. You have to basically dip their heads in water for them to understand what it is. The same has to be done with their feed except they will crap in the trough after… sometimes while eating. And they will find every dangerous way to either harm or kill themselves.
It seems like mixing them with ponies that are just as stupid and self harming will give them a life expectancy of seconds. Other than that it’s a fun concept.
Hey is six still available? The pillowed hen?
ill tack number 16
That’s omnivorous, not carnivorous.
It’s okay. The more you know.
Pigs and turkeys are also dumb as hell if domesticated but become extremely intelligent with stimulation.
Wild chickens less so. But still not as dumb as otherwise.
Fluffies are probably like that too. Mental age ranging from 3 to 12.
Even Hugbox stories have the owners just letting them be content with blocks.
I had an idea about fluffies suddenly laying eggs recently. Like deactivated platypus genes in fluffy DNA becoming active after mutation.
Sorry i was sleeping since it was night, soo…
6 to what am i doing
11 for thk
2 for thatfluffer
16 for dragonhammer
Ps. To get a fertilased egg, place order.
They will be send in a cold box, so that it doesent hach.
In my case, here the fluffies do it, and the mare lays fertilased eggs until a nother do it is needed.
Can I get 15 and 8?
That creates the comedic group for my mad scientist series where the main character is attempting to survive leaving the Hasbio bunker as little as possible. The rooster is a derp and the two egg-layers are a Smarty and a Pillow with the three taking up more time than they are saving, the final hen needs constant care which becomes the character’s main focus for a while.