A valorant rescue by a former bestest mummah with no babies of her own
What a good male cardinal guarding his nest
Just gotta hold it down until his beautiful brown queen returns
Both are good parents, that’s a lot of effort for a fluffy to climb a tree. Godspeed dumb mare, may you go to skettiland after you fall backwards off the tree and die
ya know ii sometimes forget that baby birds also chirp, so for a fluffy that was an understandable mistake, stupid, but understandable
Too bad that green dumbass isn’t my
I’m surprised the fluffy didn’t fall down and snap her spine in half.
Makes me question now how many mares have had similar fates to this one, I can only imagine what spring time would look like with all those dumb mares climbing into trees because they mistook baby bird chirps for foals
Neurons activated kills me lmao
I’m surprised the fluffy managed to climb a tree considering she doesn’t have fingers to grab onto anything.
Their useless stubby legs and marshmallow hoofpads mean this is usually a self-limiting problem.
For the ones who somehow make it up there, nature and gravity have to handle the situation themselves.