Choose Your Pixelfluff First Edition! (By:iFluffybooru)

She thinks she’s finally getting the sweet relief of death, instead she gets used as a litterpal by a feral herd lol.

I think I will close the poll when we reach 90 votes or the timer runs out, whichever happens first.

P-213, have some activist save her but then just yeet her into the wild like a weirdly shaped bowling ball. “BE FREE!” she hears as she’s thrown into a place she literally has no idea what is and is completely incapable of surviving in, left for the wildlife to feast on.

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So long as they all suffer

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Throw some hot sauce in her miwkies, then put her litterbox far away and make her run for it, then when she shits on everywhere, gaslight her into thinking she deserves to be punished, after that, the choice is yours big chief, though i prefer to go very slowly.


please give P-213 a happy day before they’re ending, be gentle with them.

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The best choice in the long run would be Miss Molly. The whole “abuser of abusers” mentality is deeply concerning. Killing Miss Molly and breaking her owner’s spirit would potentially save lives.

Then again… anything is worth seeing a SBS fatty get fucked up, so Sacharine gets my vote.