Christmas eve fluffy abuse 21# (Crazy_Kitzo)

An Christmas foal that couldn’t hold it in

(Note: I can’t think of Christmas themed abuse ideas, I’m not thinking straight right now.)


Okay. Product idea. Like the foal-in-a-can you now have the fluffy Christmas box! A series of boxes made to fit weened foals to full grown fluffies that look like Christmas presents on the outside. Inside have the waste disposal set up like the can models with optional feeder for longer stays in the box and deluxe models have lights inside for fluffy comfort.


That’s your problem. You need to think gay.


Some christmas ideas to take the load off of your brain and put it on the community’s collective hivemind of a brain:
Pre-wrapped christmas foals! They’ve been plugged beforehand, but sometimes the shit buildup is too much and the fluffy will die, either via explosion or septic shock!
Decorative mistletoe! A family put out mistletoe and some local ferals “stole” it, and died from mistletoe poisoning (perhaps the family put out mistletoe for the sole purpose of killing ferals…)
A special christmas meal was prepared for a soon-mummah! Only issue is that parsley was one of the main ingredients!
A feral family looks for a wawm homesie! The homeowners grant their wish and throw them in the fireplace!
Cristmas fluffies are in high demand, and some people take ferals off the street and dye them christmas colors! However, some ferals need to be bleached first, and some others get dye applied that is rather toxic to fluffies!
A church holds a communal christmas dinner, where even the feral fluffies are invited! Only issue is that the church despises fluffies and served them poisoned spaghetti!
A fluffy being hung from streamers!
A foal attached to a dangly thing and put on the tree as a decoration!
A fluffy being impaled on a christmas tree when ferals try to break into one of those sketchy side-of-the-road-middle-of-nowhere-christmas-tree-selling-spots and ruin some of their stock!
People who celebrate Festivus instead of christmas put up an aluminum pole! Perhaps they use it to beat a fluffy to death!
Someone buys their pet fluffy a new enfie-toy! However, they forgot to read the packaging and bought a sterilization enfie toy meant for use on ferals!
Y’know how most fruit cakes turn into a poor tasting rock of a loaf? Throw it at a fluffy!
A fluffy thinks christmas lights look yummy!
A family buys a uniquely colored christmas fluffy! Turns out it’s a dye job! Time to kill it!
Can’t afford a turkey? Cook a fluffy!

Enjoy this list of random vaguely christmas abuse related shit in case you want to not think of a prompt. Hope it helps.


~abuser finding a brown fIuffy in despair~ “Oh, do you want different coIored fIuff?”

~proceeds to shave the fIuffy bare and then secure hundreds of pine needIes into pIace across their freshIy naked skin~

#2 - Use a nut cracker to, crack their nuts.
#3 - Add a resin coat or something to insuIate but immoboIize a fIuffy famiIy and set up a nativity scene at a IocaI church you have beef with.
#4 - Step 1, adbuct fIuffies in bag. Step 2, cIimb to roofs with chimneys. Step 3, stuff fIuffies into said chimneys so they get stuck.
#5 - Offer fIuffies a warm home for the winter. chop off their Iegs and dry them for burning in the firepIace. Treat them ok to weII, then When spring comes reIease the piIIow fIuffs back into the wiId.
#6 - Teach fIuffies about carroIing and that it’s Iike haIIoween where they can beg if they put on a good show for the humans and then send them off to suffer
#7 - pIace fIuffies in cheap doIIar store stockings. Twist cIosed. Beat stuff with them.
#8 - chiId works with fIuffy to catch santa and the fIuffy wiII take the night shift. FIuffy catches parent putting presents in pIace. Que either emotionaI abuse, or ‘no witnesses’ poIicy.

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