Chubby Fluffy! (Video and more) by RQ

One of the most fluffy-like things I’ve ever seen. These are the horses from the C h u b b y P u p p i e s & F r i e n d s line. It pathetically walks around! They come with little stubby babbehs! :scream: They even have a Sea Fluffy!

They’re becoming real, folks. It’s only a matter of time!


A sequel to the video

Bonus panel!

And some picture of the actually Chubby horses I bought. It’s amazing how fluffy-ish they look.


Oh I remember that video! Love the sequel here :smiling_imp:


It’s kinda hilarious to think theres some corporats trolling this site for ideas for children’s toys


Let’s face it, miniature talking ponies would sell like hotcakes, even if they did look more like pig-hamsters.

Fluffies are only fictional because our technology isn’t quite good enough to make them, but its within the realm of possibility. And if we remove the requirement that they talk, we could probably make something close to fluffies now.


Coudn’t resist, had to draw these bean horses lmao


Whoa, I love that! Great Job!


How the hell did you make that foal look so cute using only a dozen lines?!




I’ll take a dozen!


Damn the pacing almost an Analog Horror vibe, especially the static. :scream:

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Holy shit I wanna kill them… Good job RQ, the fluffy voices are annoying as FUCK


But that’s half the fun!


I agree! I was just saying that’s probably the biggest hurdle to making fluffies with our current technology.

I also think that most fluffy stories hand wave the societal impact of having animals other than humans that can talk and reason.

But excessive realism wouldn’t be any fun.


Tell me about it. Real life is so boring. It never does anything the fun way.

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New chubby fluffies just dropped let’s gooooo

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God isn’t that the truth. I grew up on a steady diet of fantasy and science fiction; it wasn’t until my mid-30s that I finally, truly accepted that it was all bullshit. Very depressing realization.

I’ve adjusted since then, taking joy in the simple pleasures of existence, but I’m still a little bitter that I’ll never have my own starship.

Though at least we get to experience it vicariously through the magic of Disney. Book of Boba Fett premiers next week!

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I have to be honest: I’ve never really cared about Star Wars. I know a thing or two about it, but I’ve never really seen any of the movies. I’ve played a couple of the games, that pod racing one on N64, and this one PC game about building robots. Other than that, I was just never that into Star Wars. Or Star Trek, for the record. I know they’re both cultural icons and all, but I was never in the cult.

Well, that was just a personal example, I’m sure there’s something equivalent for your interest.

Full disclosure, I dressed up as Boba Fett for Halloween when I was five or six. I still have a picture of me wearing the awesome suit my mom made. So my six year old self is very, very happy at the moment.

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I kinda want to pick these things up, but it’s a shame they are plastic since I don’t want to actually destroy them, but would love to squish and squash them if they were plush.

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Fill it with red slime and make IRL abuse