Chucklers [by FluffyStalker]

These creatures usually appear to talky walky foals who are more far away from their herd than they should be, these creatures usually hide wherever they can, playing hide and seek with the foal, wich usually makes them babble and getting the herd to hear it.

These creatures are known to be neutral, as long as they aren’t disturbed or angered they will only play with foals and play tricks and jokes to the adults like moving food around or changing the place of the sleeping place or making funny knots on their manes wich will eventually undo themselves.

These creatures are anywhere were these conditions are met: there are fluffiest and plenty of hidign spots, often these creatures are angered by smarties who don’t know about them or don’t care at all.

These creatures once angered will heavily attack their targets on it’s sleep, leaving deep scars and patches of exposed skin on their fluff, these are signals to leave an area within four days before the attacks start becoming more violent and deadly.

In the worst of cases the fluffy gets eaten to the bone in one night, after the target is dead they will be peaceful with other fluffies as long as they are too, poopy and neglected foals find refuge in playing hide and seek with these creatures and even learn how to communicate with them using their hooves, many poopie and rejected fluffies are happy and playful when they hear the characteristic naughty chuckle of these creatures, because for them it means playtime and fun.