clarity and fluffies

we have all seen the inevitable degeneration of open fandoms always sinking to the lowest common denominator of what is the new fad till it lose all relevance or similarity to what originally attracted us to the community .

the mods for now have kept it in check but what about the future mods it is to easy to see how fluffies could lose all resemblance to anything we recognize as fluffies very quickly

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Damn Mcgee, that hit me where I live.

a post form a random poster does not have the weight of something put out by the moderation team that is the difference it would make

that is what i fear we already saw this future with the donut steel gellihimers and it now waits there for a moment of weakness to drag us down

I can’t agree with that 100% but I get where you’re coming from.
The sheer volume of content outweighs the words of some dudes who became Mods imo.

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I said “where” not “why”. Where do you want the RuLeS/gUiDeLiNeS posted to satisfy you?

If the problem is that you don’t like them being scattered all over the community, why don’t YOU gather up all the iterations, parse them out to YOUR liking, and maintain a psudo-official Ripoff Approved master set. Nobody’s stopping you.

we know the works do not out weight the words of the mods , the words of the mods are the north star of any fandom they do not point you to the true north but they keep you going in the right direction. if you really believed that the mods words did not carry weight there would already be rules of what is a fluffy

I didn’t say our words have zero weight, only that they pale in comparison to the zeitgeist of the past.

you seem to not understand the point of having official guidelines . where should they be posted somewhere after the sight code of conduct rules

in that you are wrong the zeitgeist of the past says i should be able to shit post with impunity but the words of the mods say i can not

The zeitgeist of fluffies, not the community itself.


The community (or if you prefer, the mods of the community) thinks it’s unnecessary for them to be Official.

The workaround is for an individual to curate the unofficial list and provide unfettered access to newcomers who want it.

We volunteer you as tribute. Do it and be happy, or don’t do it and shut up about it - the community doesn’t need what you’re pedaling.

the fluffy zeitgeist is even less important

It’s how most learn about them.
It’s how most of the tropes came to be.

petition ryou and i will be more than happy to set up some official guidelines,

the community deserves what i am pedaling

tropes are for hack artist to lazy to be creative to dull to be interesting .

conflict breeds creativity and ingenuity a set of guidelines would give us that conflict a counterpoint to work around instead of just going muh headcannon

Pressure makes diamonds.
It also makes rubble.

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Another amazing thread by fluffy traditionalist ripoffMcgee

You keep insisting that what YOU want to see here is what WE need.

Again, if YOU want it to exist, YOU do it. You’re not a part of the official team for a reason. Do it unofficially. The officials don’t care. The community doesn’t care. Only you seem to care THIS much.

So again - do it, or don’t do it. But don’t expect Official support. You don’t have it. You don’t even have the community support. You’re just being a squeaky wheel. Which maybe works in some communities. But in this one, we don’t oil the squeaks. We sledgehammer them.

i would like to welcome you to unofficle what is wrong with fluffy tread enjoy your stay