clarity and fluffies

unrestricted freedom gives you ray skywalker

those dirty traditions that first attracted you to fluffies

Freedom isn’t unrestricted though.
And no one is banking on someone’s OC as a payday either.

I’m here for the violence

so why not write down those restrictions

Nobody is stopping you.

Honestly it sounds like you just don’t want to put in the effort if it’s not going to be rewarded with canonization.

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i have see how useless unofficial guidelines are

How about you draft em and we can work together collaboratively to make sure it represents our interests?

Because there isn’t a guideline. I’ve been quite clear on that. And on why.

the mods draft them and they do not represent our interests they represent the fluffies interests

Nah fuck the mods. I wanna see YOUR list.

the more gatekeep-y the community gets, the fewer new artists will come bearing new ideas & making new content

i like Squeakyfriend’s percentage-based system, it breaks down “fluffy-or-not” into something quantifiable (im a dumb nerd who needs numbers if im gonna make sense of anything ever). i also like their list of Fundamental Fluffy Traits.

people can also just ignore content they dont like, if a post doesnt get any interaction the creator will likely make less of those kinds of posts in the future (i know it works like that for me at least)

also if we get too serious with Idea Policing we’ll sap all the fun out of creating fluffy content. every creator will be biting their nails wondering if their next post isn’t “fluffy” enough. i can’t live like that, man. fluffies are supposed to be an escape from my anxiety akjkjshskdb


That’s all there is to see here folks - just complaints, no solutions. Solutions were offered and denied. Pack it up.

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*Peruses my content.
You sure about that Mcgee?

over and over again you have proven that there are guidelines or do you just ask the eight ball if a post is fluffy enough

why official guidelines is not about what i want to see but what will keep the community strong whatever they would be would be what i fallow

No balls

Balless indeed.

More like no wrinkles. Smooth brain thread.

If you have no more points to make then that’s that.
Don’t just start pointless insults.

So I know I’m rather new here but it’s pretty obvious that OP is well known for being disruptive as fuck, for little to no reason. At best being the forums broken clock, who may or may not be right up to twice a day!

The real question I have is why do they keep you around? Silencing you would make for a much more peaceful community.

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