clarity and fluffies

if you see a fluffy should speak in fluffy talk except for specific story reasons it to harsh for you maybe that gate should be kept

Uhh itā€™s not a pointless insult. No balls is an attempt to encourage the OP to put up or shut up by creating guidelines on what is or isnā€™t a fluffy, rather than tolerating their continued disruptions which seem to be done for the hell of it and to drag the staff at will. Either they are an authority who is lazy or their opinion is worthless.

Might I ask why would you waste time defending a poster who rags on you 420 everyday?

as i said it is not what is good for me but what is good for the community make a thread specifically for what rules we would like to see and i will post them there

Then say that without the insult.

Not defending anyone specifically.
The rules apply to everyone.

You make the thread. Itā€™s your self appointed task partner. Looking forward to seeing your initial draft.

Mcgee is love why would anyone silence love

you seem to misunderstood the point of this tread it is not to list possible guidelines but to ask why any guidelines are always rejected

How is it an insult? Itā€™s daring someone to do something. Trust me if I wanted to insult someone Iā€™d use other terms.

Which I feel I answered to the best of my ability.
Iā€™m not an authority on the matter.
Iā€™m a dude who likes the hobby and was asked to be a Mod.

Dude, just keep it civil and on point.

The topic is fluffy pony. It has been since the old general threads.
Fluffy ponies are designed for maximum cuteness and as a result have minimal intelligenceā€¦ also theyā€™re extremely fluffy. The initial varients were based on characters from FiM and the initial subspecies were mostly based on creatures from the show and franchise. The subspecies have always been secondary to fluffy ponies. Outside of that, we mostly did whatever we found entertaining. Abuse, adventure stories, slice of life, dark humor, weird random shitā€¦ all of it was acceptable.

I think thatā€™s really what it comes down to. People should be able to do what they find entertaining, but they should also keep it on topic. Variants and sub-types are fine, but they should always exist as an ancillary of fluffy pony.


I say it all the time, but I wish more creators would start with a simple earthie before trying to reinvent the wheel.

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I am being civil, moderator. Maybe go consult with your colleagues and nip this McGee stuff in the bud instead of letting a troll troll you to your face, all day everyday. Thank you.


that is also the point of official guidelines people only get a understanding from the specific box they read which can skews their understanding of what fluffies are

Just because you care what people say about you in a digital space doesnā€™t mean we all do. Try not to take what strangers say to heart.

And Mcgee is in his own post, following every rule.

I think thisā€™ll be my last post for this thread, but umā€¦ The main arguments against posting any guidelines, even percentage-based ones like I suggested, seem to be ā€œnobody would read themā€ and ā€œpeople can learn better from just looking at existing contentā€, right?

But still, it feels like whenever a non-fluffy being pops up, itā€™s up to the commenters to say itā€™s not fluffy-like, only going off of our subjective opinions because thereā€™s no official word we can point toward. And non-fluffy fluffies do pop up relatively regularly. So the current system isnā€™t exactly flawlessā€¦

And the fact Karn will approach people in private DMs to say ā€œhey, you messed up that one, try to do betterā€, unbeknownst to anyone else, so weā€™re more likely to dogpile someone thatā€™s already been set on the right path ā€¦

It feels like there isnā€™t any real transparency in how or why any decisions are made, or if they will be made at all. Which feels like a bad thing when said decisions are about the very foundation of the fandom. Is it really up to the users to make un-pinnable posts about our headcanon for a fluffy just so we have something to point to?

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Too many cooks as it were.

I choose to do it privately as having people hounded is exactly what weā€™re trying to avoid. Nothing wrong with comments like, this isnā€™t exactly a fluffy but the ones that pop up tend to be far more vitriolic.

thank you for your level head assessment of the problems that not having any kind of official guidelines can produce

Yeah I reviewed the rules real quick. All 11 of them. I guess it doesnā€™t bother me if you choose to get trolled all day by McGee. As long as heā€™s doing it ā€œcivillyā€ right? Carry on moderator! Bravo Zulu to you shipmate!

Okay dude, you were warned.