Cleansing the herd pt.2 (swiftbitches)

Fluffy’s lungs burned and his legs ached. His body was battered from the fall into the creek and it felt like all his bones were broken. He rolled over to kick his legs, checking that all four still worked. One, two, three, four, every leg worked.

Looking around he noticed night had fallen as he’d been asleep on the river bank. The huge black shapes of trees and bushes loomed around him and he could just barely see the bright light of the stars and moon that illuminated the little creek he lay next to.

He was content to just lie there, exhausted and in pain a deep chill starting to set in. Looking around it was dark, night had fallen while he’d been asleep on the bank.

The chill quickly dissipated when he heard the panicked squeals and pleas of other fluffies. Fluffy hauled himself to his hooves and started to back away from the noise, thinking it was his herd coming to finish him off.

“Pwease, Pwease don weabe fwuffies!” His ears perked up and his pace slowed, that didn’t sound like fluffies being ripped apart.

Fluffy was in desperate need of a herd, his small stature making him an easy target. If he helped these fluffies maybe he’d have a new herd to protect him!

Peering through the bushes Fluffy could see a small group of fluffies crying and chasing after the tall dark form of a human who was rather desperately running away from them.

“I’m not you’re fucking owner anymore, go away!” He turned and shouted, causing them all to flee in fear. He quickly disappeared into a large metal monster, zooming away leaving the poor fluffies alone and terrified in an unfamiliar place, at night. This couldn’t be any easier for Fluffy.

The fluffies quickly huddled into a fluff pile to desperately cling to each other and coo comforting words to each other.

Fluffy counted three mares, one stallion, and two foals, both fillies. All the mares were quite pretty, even the fillies… Two of the mares were an identical bubblegum pink, one with a yellow mane and the other a white mane, and the third had white fur with colorful polka dots. The stallion was a traffic cone orange with a purple mane and both fillies, one purple and red and the other pink and orange, tucked under his arms. Fluffy wondered if they were his?

“Hewwow, awe yu wost?” Fluffy sauntered out of the bushes, still slightly damp from his tumble into the creek.

“Huh? Yush! Fwuffies am bewy wost, daddeh weft fwuffies aww awone in dawk scawy pwace, huhu!” The stallion began crying harder at the thought of his daddy leaving.

“Oh weww, Fwuffy can hewp you wiff dat. Am supa gud at suwbibin! Am supa smawty.” He smiled in a comforting manner.

The group slowly stopped their sniffling and stared incredulously at Fluffy.

“Ou…ou wiww weawwy hewp fwuffies, does fwuffy hab homsies?” The pink and yellow mare looked ecstatic. She wrapped her arms around her sister and nuzzled her happily.

“Weww…Fwuffy no habe homsies but fwuffies can make new homsies aww togedew!” He grinned, thoughts of a cozy new den with all those mares made his lumps ache. He hadn’t had enfies in quite a while…

Fluffy spent the rest of the night reassuring the skeptical group that life in the wild could be just as great as domestic life. Eventually they all fell into a giant fluff pile, Fluffy snuggling as close as he could with his new mares.


White Power Fluffy, now with added raping and pedophilia.

I can guess where this is going and I’m already looking forward to the violent castration


Never realized he survived the fall wonder if the stallion is dumb to realize soon bout this frikkin smarty’s thinking.


“Hmm. According to the packaging this torture tool ‘Combines the penetrative power of a drill with the cutting power of a chainsaw, ribbed for the victim’s displeasure.’ This should do the trick nicely. I’ve taken the liberty of covering it in salt, lemon juice, capsaicin, and Kardashian spit. Now let’s see what it does to your genitals.”

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