It’s another winter day like any other, grey, cold and rainy; a feral fluffy is wondering the streets in search of food.
She is sooo lonely and sad, her tummi is giving her big huwties and meani sounds by the lack of any decent food.
As she wander without lead, she keeps getting close to hoomies, the first thing she does as always is begging for an housie and some nummies.
She know they either ignore or kick her away, but there is still a spark of hope that makes her keep trying.
One day, she came across a man, she does her usual jingle… but, he just stares in complete silence…
the both of them stares at each other for a while…
The fluffy thinks that maybe this hoomie see places dont work or he didnt heard her.
She eventually give up, he’s probably ignoring her.
Another disappointment, as she walk away she hears
Ok… i’ll give you a home
(took by surprise) weawy? Nice mista giv housie to fwuffy?!
(start cherishing) tank ou, tank ou nice mista! fwuffi am soo happi*
She’s so happy she even start to cry.
The man picks her up, as far as she remembers nobody has ever picked her up before, for once in her life she finally feel calm and safe.
You are quite skinny… i can see your ribs… and smelly, its not your fault i know… but i like your colors… orange and green…
As he checks the fluffy, he tickles her and she starts giggling
What a beautiful laugh you have… tell me, do you have a name?
(Sad fluffy): Nu
Then… what about Clementine?
(Happily curious fluffy): Cwementin? Ye… Cwementin am pwetti namesi, Cwementin wike new namesi
Right now she feels the happiest fluffy in the world.
They arrives in the man’s house, he kept her on his arms the entire time.
This is your new home
It wasnt a big house neither a small one but for Clementine it was like a castle, she starts to imagining her future happy life.
As they enters the porch, Clementine sees another fluffy begging the man to let her in but he ignored her… probably another feral.
If you want to live here, there are some very important rules… most important are:
Behave and don’t be a smarty;
Use the litter, if you don’t, you have to clean your own poop by eating it…
You are not forced to remain here, you can leave whenever you want, but if you do i wont let you back in.
You saw that pink fluffy right?
(Curious Clementine): Yea… who am dat daddeh?
That is Bubblegum, she lived here before you, she started calling me names, gave me sorry poopies and ran away… exactly one day later i found her crying and begging me to let her back in… she gave me many heart hurties so i decided to not take her back… she made that choice… bad fluffies deserve no home
If you dont want to end up like her, you better respect the rules, ok?
Otai daddeh.
Many forever have passed and Clementine has lived the life every fluffy have always dreamt, a warm house… bestest nummies… many toisis… the bestest daddeh in the world… she has found her own personal skettiland.
Cwementin am da wukiest an’ hapiest fwuffi eba!
One day, she is watching the tv with her daddeh when it started showing images of a happy fluffy family, a happy mere with her special friend and many little babies… very cute little babies…
She doesn’t know… but something inside her started tickling… it was a funny sensation… she already has a family but… she wants more, she want a speshaw fwen… she want babbehs… she want to become a mama!
(Shy Clementine): daddeh…
Yes Clementine?
Cwementin wan… Cwementin wan a speshaw fwen an’ babbehs…
Hmmm… you have been the best fluffy a man could ever have and you are about that age too… uuuh ok
(Happy Clementine): -gasp- Weawi??? Aaah Cwementin am soooo happi tank ou daddeh, Cwementi wov ou
Hold it girl, you wanting a family on your own implies more rules…
You can have all the foals you want but you have to be a good moma… teach them to behave and use the litter;
No bestest babies, if i see you prioritizing any foal over another… i will kill it;
No poopie, monster or bad baby… every baby deserve love and hugs, if you dont, i will kick you out and sell the babies;
No sensitive baby… it saddens me too but they will suffer more by staying alive…
(Happy Clementine): Otai daddeh, Cwementin pwomis am bestest momma an wov aaaw babbehs
The two go to a local shelter, daddeh let Clementine choose her special friend to take home…
Rocket, a proud red and yellow stallion, the bond is instant… and three weeks later…
Finally… you are a moma now, you achieved your dream… a family.
Clementine hear many peeping, they are calling for her… their beloved moma… they need lots of wov, huggies and miwkies… she go to check em out and oh no…
Clementine gave birth to ten foals, eight of them are the most beautiful colors she couldn’t ever image… while the other two… oh boy… one is a munsta bebeh while the other is a poopie bebeh…
She really dont like those two, but she made a promise to daddeh to love all her babbehs…
Rocket didnt…
(Angry Rocket): Uuuhg, ugwe poopie babbeh an’ monsta babbeh… dadde nu wan giv wov to a monsta, get foweva sweepe dummie!
(Tired Clementine): Noooo!! pweese speshaw fwen no giv foweva sweepie to munsta babbe! Huuu huuu
Cwementin pwomis daddeh to wov aw bebbehs
(Angry Rocket): Nu cawe, monsta bebbeh am bab bebbeh
As he’s saying that, he rises his left hoof and crush that poor alicorn’s head.
That poor small thing led out helplessly peeps of terror and pain…
followed by a -crack-…
then finally silence…
Clementine start crying, she didnt want that baby to die but either wanted to keep it.
(Distressed Clementine): Huuu huuu wai meani speshal fwen huuu… Cwementin nu wike monsta babbeh bu’ Cwementin pwomis to wov aw babbehs.
Little did they knew, that daddeh was there and witnessed all…
(Proud Rocket): An’ now, am poopie babbeh tuwn
Rocket rises once again his left hoof ready to kill another of his babies, but this time the man grabs him from the neck and rises him to his hight.
(Crying in pain Rocket): Screeee bad upsies big huwties huuu huu…
What is going on here…
(Angry but still in pain Rocket): Dummie daddeh wet Woket down!
Ow get wostest hoofsies!
The man looks at that blood puddle that once was a foal.
ooooh no… oh nonono! you killed that poor alicorn… why did you do that?
(Proud Rocket): Dumme monsta, dadde nu wan no mosta bebeh, monsta bebeh desewd foweva sweepies
Hmmm i see, well you broke a rule…
(Confused Rocket): Wat wuve?
No monster, poopie or bad baby, all foals deserve love… Clementine, didn’t you told him?
(Distressed Clementine): Y-ye daddeh bu speshal fwen nu cawe
Uuh i see, well… if it was Clementine i would just kick her out bust since its you… your punishment will be death…
(Terrified Rocket): -gasp- huuu pweese daddeh nu kiww woket huu huu woket am sowy… woket nu ‘now wuves huuu… huggg… - gack aaa-
Without batting an eye, the man started to tighten his grip around Rocket’s neck… the more he tight, the more Rocket cried and begged for his life and struggled to get free… more and more and mooore… till
Rocket was no more…
Clementine started to cry but the man kneeled down and patted her head…
Poor Clementine… i didn’t wanted to let you watch… i’m sorry girl but he broke a very important rule and he must have been punished… it’s not your fault… I’m sure you were too tired to stop him…
Anyway… you must be hungry, i’ll go bring some food… in the while I’ll leave you rest with your babies.
And congrats… they are all beautiful
Clementine is traumatized, the man still had the lifeless body of her mate in his hand, staring at you.
Boo-boo juice coming from his mouth and smew pwace
It wasn’t Clementine fault… daddeh assured her that, Rocket broke a rule and must be punished.
She has very big heart hurties, but she’s also a moma now and her babbehs quickly cheers her up.
Some time passes and now those tiny foals became all talkie babbes, they are all beautiful and joyous little trouble makers, Clementine does her best part as a mom and teach em to be good bebbehs.
Of course she has a favorite, an orange and green babbeh just like her, you love her the most… when milkies are ready she is always the first on eating…
and of course the brown one is her least favorite… but she came up with a plan.
She has teach all her babbehs to tollerate the brown one as long as daddeh was nearby, at the same time, she feed the brown one just that little to not let him cry and let daddeh grow any suspicions.
When daddeh wasnt home, she gone hide the brown babbeh behind the toy chest and let him cry all alone completely ignoring him.
She is breaking many rules and she knows that, but she also don’t want to die.
One day while napping, the bestest babbeh is playing alone when she noticed that the door of the safe room is open.
She gets out and start exploring… and eventually got lost, she start crying for help but Clementine is too far away in another part of the house to hear her.
That little fluffy somehow managed to climb upstairs and when she started crying she was right in front of the man bedroom.
Luckly for her, the man was home that day.
(Scared BB): Mumma! Mumma! Heeewlp pweeese huuuhuuu
Wai mumma nu com huu huu, am babbeh bad babbeh?
Mummaaaa huuuu huuu huuu
What is goin… oh… hey little one… what… how did you came up here?
(Scared BB): Pweese daddeh huuu hewp bestest babbeh find momma… am soo scawed huuu huu
Bestest… bebbeh?? … uuuh, ok lest go to your mom
(Happy BB): yeey tank u dadde
The man goes down stairs and enters the safe room.
At the view of her mother, the little one started cherish loudly waking Clementine up.
(Happy BB): Momma mommaa wakii momma!! Daddeh hewp bestest babbeh find ou!!
Clementine gets up and start walking but is she’s awake while following her babbeh voice.
(Sleepy Clementine): Uuuh bestest babbeh… wai weft moma… -yawn- moma am havin nice dweem…
But then she stops…
(Wait daddeh giv bestest babeh bac…) -GASP- (daddeh am hom!?) nunununu
She start panicking at the realization.
The man was holding her bestest babbeh in his hand…
Clementine… Can you tell me what is this uuh… bestest bebbhe thing?
Didnt i told you… i do not want any bestest baby here?
(Confused BB): W-wa? Dadde nu wan bestest bebbeh?!?
And… where is the brown one?
(Worried Clementine): D-daddeh p-pweese giv bac babe… bebeh am no bestest bebbeh… Cwementin wov aw bebbes da same…
(Confused BB): Bu-bu moma?
Clementine tries to give the worst look possible to her bestest babe to make her shut up but she fail
(Sad BB): Huuu huu wai mama nu wan bestest bebbeh no mow? huu hu… am bestest bebbeh bad bebbeh?! Huu hu
Where is the brown one Clementine??
(Panicked Clementine): C-Cwementin nu ‘now daddeh
The man starts searching in the room pretending to be clueless, he saw from the hidden security camera where Clementine hidden her least favorite, so he goes slowly checking every corner, he can hear her panicking louder as he approaches the toy chest…
But Clementine came up with a last minute plan, she rush to daddeh feet and start pretending she doesn’t feel very well in hope to convince him with that poor performance.
(Pretentious Clementine): Uuuh ohhh noo daaddeeh pweese hewp… Cwementin tummi am big huwties huu huu…
She hopes for the best…
Oooh nooo poor Clementine! how this sudden (and convenient) pain in your stomach occurred… wait here, i’ll go fetch some medicine
As daddeh leaves the room, Clementine rush to the toy chest, grab the poopie babbeh by the neck and throw him away
(Scared PB): Screeee bad upsies huu… wai giv huwties to bebbeh huu huu
(Angry Clementine): Dummie poopie, ou wuki muma nu can kiw ou
Muma nu wan fowevew sweepies bu’ muma nu wan ou too
She grab again the baby by a leg and drag him to the door.
He screams in pain and beg her mama to leave him… but she ignore his tantrum.
As soon as Clementine land her first step outside the safe room -YOINK- the brown baby disappears from her mouth…
She panics and look up… dadde was there… he heard everything and he was really mad.
Clementine… explain now
(Scared Clementine): D-d-daddeh wai am ou hew?? Cwementin nu feew pwetti huu hu
She tries again with the tummy hurt thing but it doesnt work.
(Terrified BB): Moma moma heeewp! Meani dadde giv bestest bebbeh huwties huu huu…
(Scared Clementine): Bestest babbhe?!
Oh oh, she was so in anger for the poopie babbeh that she completely forgot dadde still had her bestest in his hand.
Clementine… today you have disappointed me, very very badly.
I thought you were better…
(Begging Clementine): Pweeese noooo! Nu giv huwties to wittwe babbe huu huu
Babbes am fow wov an huggies huu huu pweese dadde giv bac bebbehh
Cwementin am sowwi huu huu
Not only you lied to me, but you also broke several rules… and you know what happens when rules are broken…
(Scream in agony BB): PWEEESE NUUU! NU HUUWTIEEEES MAMA MAAMAA SCREEEEE- gack scr-cre -pop-
The man tight his grip onto the orange baby till it literally exploded.
(Cry in horror Clementine): Nuuuuuuuu waaaaai bestest babbeeee huuu huuu meani daddeh giv babbe foweva sweepies huuu huu screee
The man grabs Clementine by the neck, opens the front door and violently throw her out his house.
As she was flying the man yells
She hits the ground so hard her frontal legs breaks
(Scream in pain Clementine): SCREEEEE WEGGIES BIGGEST HUWTIES!
You did this all by yourself Clementine, I gave you a home, love and a family and this is how you repay me…
You knew there were rules but you broke em anyway, this is your punishment… i do not want to see you ever again… and as for your babies… i will keep the brown one and sell the rest.
You are a bad mum Clementine
As he said that, he slams the door leaving her outside in the cold…
Clementine tries her best to crawl back to her former house front door, but her legs dont work as well as before and every time she tries to move them, it hurts really bad, so she is forced to use her back legs.
(In pain Clementine): Huuu huu pweese daddeh… Cwementine nu fee pweti… daddeh am sowwi huu huu… wan babbehs bac huu
She can barely stay awake, while moving she drag both broken leggies and tummy, the pain is unbearable, but she managed to arrive to the door.
Since she cant use her legs, she is forced to use the head to tap the door.
Clementine still hope daddeh forgives her…
(Distressed cry and in pain Clementine): PWEEESE DADDEH HUUUU
DADDEH… wai… Cwementin nu wan stai hew… too mani owies… tooo cowd…
The next morning the man wakes up, next to him there is the brown baby still asleep, the man gently pat his head and he giggle a bit.
Then get up, dress up, breakfast, feed the brown baby, and the other babies as well, leave them to play together and then go out throw away the trash.
Clementine is in front of the door… still there, her eyes are shut, lots of dried blood… he poke her to see if she was still alive…
Rock solid, she must have died maybe from the cold… maybe from the blood loss or maybe both.
He pats her on her back
Am sorry girl, am really sorry… but you did your choices and you knew what was coming… i hope you have learned your lesson for your next life…
Then the ma scrape her off the walkway and throw her with the trash.
As for today the man kept the brown one and called him Darius, he grew into a beautiful stallion with dark red mahogany fur and a golden mane,
while the rest of the batch grew healthy as well and later on got sold away to the local shelter.
— — —
Hey, this my first text story, i really wantend to make a comic version but my art stile doesnt give it justice, maybe in a far grim future i will.
I like to think this is a good story.