Close Encounters of the What The Fu- (By ButtonBack)

Sooo I’ve had this game called Creatures on my brain for a while and I found some similarities between the main creatures called Norns and Fluffies so have a norm confused as a fluffy approaches her. This may end up becoming a story but I am not too good at writing honestly but I will draw the story characters.


I played a lot of the Creatures games. your Norm looks great!


Thanks! I will probably end up drawing more Norn Breeds and Fluffies interacting with eachother honestly! It also took a lot of eyeballing a Fox Norns sprite as well to make sure it looked like a norn


Not the crossover I expected to see but interesting

Loved Creatures as a kid, they have a hell of a lot in common with fluffies. They’re cute, expressive, love to dance, and they’re annoying as all hell and prone to killing themselves accidentally in all kinds of bizarre ways. A cool reference!


Creatures was so amazing. I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one reminded of norns when I found fluffies!

The fact you can breed a norn that is just in constant pain as a default brings to mind some complex techniques for fluffy abuse, as well.


Yeah! I love it for the Biology aspect! Maybe in the future if I can get Creatures 3/docking station working I can make stories with Norns and Fluffies interacting!(as well as grendles!)

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Creatures was awesome! I wish someone did a game like that for modern computers too.