Coco's Finale [By Biorb_McBiorb]

Coco was having the hardest time of his life, he had made it to the final part of the contest, but now he had to write an original song, HE had to, his Daddeh Shaun couldn’t even help him! It was the worst!

Coco had been struggling ever since he hit Fluffy Puberty, see, he was a older foal when Shaun had found him, he had hit adolescence a month ago, and had now just started the path of growing into a Stallion, so only one thing was on his mind.

A Special Friend.

Coco got up from his pile of papers, each having crayon scribbles all over instead of words to songs and went looking for his Daddeh, surely he could help!

Shaun was sitting down at the kitchen counter, the producers had set him and Coco up nicely in a very posh hotel room, but this did nothing to alleviate the reason Shaun held his head in his hands, in front of him were 15 or so letters, not fan-mail for Coco, or breeding request…

They were threats…

All had Shaun’s full name, his home address, his parents work… Everything…

they all had the same thing on every letter. ‘Don’t let the Fluffy sing.’ or ‘Will kill your family if the Shit-Rat sings’…

Shaun had already called the police, his mom, dad, and little sister all had left to stay at Aunt Donna’s house. She and her Fiance had agreed to letting them stay with them, away from their home in case anything actually happens.

Shaun was angry, not at the fact that his family was in danger, but because this was totally something he would do if he was still the same Shaun who let his friends kill all those Fluffies that sang with Coco when they first met, of course, if he and his buddies did this, they would be jokes… But this…

Shaun was different now, and he not only cared for his Family, he cared about Coco…

Shaun heard the sounds of light hooves coming closer and closer, the tile floors of the hallway were perfect for hearing Coco coming. Pushing aside the letters, Shaun waited patiently for Coco to come appear from around the corner.

“Daddeh? Coco nee’ tawkies wiff 'ou!” Coco said, looking around for Shaun, the scenario played out a thousand times like this, Coco would ‘ask’ to talk with Shaun, something he had gotten used to and loved.

“Sure Coco, what ya need?” Shaun said, picking up Coco as he got closer, ready for the lift as Coco was in the upsie-position. Setting Coco onto the counter, Coco looked at Shaun with an expression that made Shaun worry.

“Daddeh… Can Coco habe… A S-Speshuw-Fwend?” Coco asked. Shaun just stared for a moment before coming back to reality. “Uh… I don’t know Coco… Now’s not the best time, I think?” Shaun said, leveling with the young Stallion.

“W-weww… Can Coco make deaw wiff Daddeh?” Coco asked, now a bit more excited.

“…Go on…” Shaun said, the idea of a deal intrigued him.

“I-if Coco win singie contest, den can Coco hab Speshuw Fwend?” Shaun smiled. 'Maybe this was what Coco needed, a challenge, and a ‘Prize’.

“… Okay Coco, sure. If you win, we will get you a Special Friend. But only if we win, okay?” Shaun says, extending his hand out, expecting Coco to shake.

“Deaw!” Coco said, waddling over to Shaun’s open hand, and nuzzling his face into it.

“It’s a Deal…”

Shaun and Coco were backstage, going over the routine again. Coco had told Shaun that the song was done, and that he did it all by himself, but didn’t want to share it with anyone. Coco only shared it with the band and the Staff because he had to, that and Shaun offered him a treat if he said what it was.

Shaun didn’t want to know, he was proud of Coco for writing his own song, and wanted to hear it like the rest of the audience.

before Coco, a Woman from West Virginia had gone, her voice was amazing, and she was absolutely a threat.

Coco shivered in Shaun’s arms, nervous that the deal idea was going to backfire on him. Shaun noticed this, and set the scared Stallion down. “Hm? Daddeh?”

“Coco… I want you to try your best. Don’t be scared, and just give it your all, okay?” Shaun said, tussling Coco’s sparkling silver mane, causing the Stallion to giggle. “And… Just know, even if you don’t win, you’ll always have Daddy, okay?” Coco nodded to his Daddeh. Taking a deep breath, Coco prepared to waddle on stage.

From behind the curtain, Coco could hear the announcer beginning to introduce Coco. The Stallion looked back at Shaun and smiled. “Wub 'ou Daddeh…”

Before Shaun could affirm Coco’s love with his own, Coco was introduced, the Curtains pulling aside, revealing Coco to the crowd.

Coco slowly waddled on stage, the cheers almost deafening. Coco thought the amphitheater was big, but this? This blew the amphitheater away! The Grand Convention Center was massive, Coco could see thousands upon thousands had come to see him… He never felt so proud! All these Hoomins came to see him! Him!

Finally, after the cries, came the boos… It was surprisingly less loud than the cheers, but they were still their, and Coco had heard them all. His smile wavered as he made his way the comically short microphone.

Then when it was all silent, the judges ushered Coco to start.

Coco took a breath, as a Piano slowly started to key in.

"Mummah an’ daddeh an’ sissy an’ bwuddah
Nu nee’ to wun ow to hide fo’ cobah
‘cos aww fwuffies wan’ am to be wobed wike nu othah!

As Coco sings, the rest of the band joins in…

Dey nee’ mummahs an’ daddehs an’ sissys an’ bwuddahs
dose poow wittwe babbehs, aww awone an’ cwyin’

Coco wouwd be wyin’"

A slight pause from the band…

"If Coco said Coco nu did know how dey fewt…
Coco am jus’ wookin’ fo’ wub
Coco may be siwwy poopie babbeh
Buh that nu mean Coco nu know how to wub!

If onwy theiw was…

A Mummah, a Daddeh, A Sissy an’ a Bwuddah!
A wittwe famiwy, for wittwe owd me!
Coco wan’ gib an’ gib an’ gib wu-"

Coco’s song was cut short, a gunshot had gone off, causing the crowd and the band to panic, everyone began to freak out and run away. Coco looked down at the floor of the stage, two inches from his hoof, was a bullet hole, still a light trail of smoke coming from the hole.

Shaun ran on stage, rushing over to Coco, who was frozen in fear, tears rolling down his face. As Shaun picked up Coco, another gunshot rang out, this one hitting one of the band members, causing them to fall to the ground, holding onto their arm.

Shaun took Coco and ran back behind the curtains, running for the closest exit. As Shaun and Coco ran, they heard more and more gunshots, Shaun was crying harder than Coco, just trying to make it anywhere safe.

Coco sat on Shaun’s bed, the fear had gotten to Coco, but he never made bad pee-pees or bad poopies… He was a good Fluffy…

He just sat down quietly…

It had been a few weeks since the shooting, and Coco was too afraid ever sing like that again. Shaun took Coco out of the running, siting the reason as trauma… While Coco forfeited the chance to win, he was still the runner up, so Coco and Shaun were awarded Eighty-Seven thousand dollars as a runner up prize. To both Shaun and Coco, the money was the least of their problems.

Shaun had called the first chance he had, his family was safe, but Shaun’s mother had been called, saying a fire broke out at the house, the cause of the fire?

Faulty wiring…

Shaun was rightfully angry and scared, but as he was still in Las Vegas, he was stuck here until the producers sent him home. As his mother explained it, insurance would cover most, if not all of the damages, and that they would be moving closer to Aunt Donna with the money they would get.

Shaun had begun to calm down, but the damage was done, so many different things crossed his mind… Shaun took another moment to calm down… Shaun looked at Coco, who was still on his bed, crying… Shaun wanted to try and cheer up Coco. “Hey Coco… Remember our deal?” Shaun said, sitting down next to Coco, an idea forming in his mind.

“Y-yus… Nebah gon’ habe Speshuw Fwend…” Coco said tears matting the fur around his muzzle and face.

“Well, I decided… We are going to get you a Special Friend anyways…” Shaun said, picking up Coco. The Young Stallion looked at his Daddeh, utterly confused. “B-buh Coco nu win! Why Daddeh hewp Coco ged speshuw-fwend?!” Coco said, beginning to cry again.

“Because Coco, You need a Family, and I think you’ll be a great dad.” Shaun said, placing Coco in a Purple Carrier.

“Daddeh?” Coco asked before being fully in the carrier.

“Yeah Coco?”

“Coco wubs 'ou… Wub 'ou su muchies…” Coco said, hugging his Daddeh as hard as he could.

“I love you too Coco… Now come on, lets get you a Special-Friend!” Shaun zipped up Coco and left the Hotel Room, Coco happily humming the entire way…


People need to fooken chill.

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What is it with people in these settings and being raging psychopaths?


I started reading this thinking it was a astandalone story and was like…

‘Surely this isnt boy band fluffies…’ ~gets through story~

im refering to @Biorb_Biorb as Sam Hyde because

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Could be jealousy as the owner manage to make a biotoy did something no other can.

The threats are proof they dont like what he is doing.

Or worst as you said psychopaths, as they think fluffies are for their torture and selfish desire only not for the public.