Coffees walk time (Mecha_Elf92)

I drew this a long time ago but I wanted to post here.

My main oc adopts a alicorn with wierd colors after finding it alone in an alley way.

He loves to go on walks and get coffee when theyre out.

My other oc’s name is Kito, inreally need to make a human version of him.

Also thanks so much for all the love on my first post. I hope it doesnt soumd shallow but I never get that many likes on any of my art. So it gave me so much joy to see that. <3 thank you again.

I hope you guys like coffee…And Coffee xD


i think i forgot to ask, how old are you? 13+ site here

Im 32.


I don’t know how to put this politely so I’ll just tell you straight up. This is pretty cringy. I say this for your sake because people can be pretty spicy here sometimes.


I already expect people to be that way. I mean people are mean all over. I just giggle


What Rampage is saying is that non-fluffy content, especially OCs from other fandoms or themes that are generally seen as “cringey” such as roleplaying, OCs, or edgy characters are poorly received.


Alright well so long as you can take it I guess

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Ill go aheaf and delete it tho. Thank you for your concern :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the warning :slight_smile: i really appreciate it

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I do like your style for fluffies! I think as long as you keep it centered on the fluffy aspect of your art, it’ll do well here


Don’t be afraid to be cringe! Own that Sonic OC! I like his starry night sky eyes.

But yeah a humanized version would go over better around here, people are weird like that.

Side note

I am, however, very amused by the thought of Kito running into Fu, my shitpost concept for an anthro fluffy. The utter dissonance of that situation.


aaa thank you ;;; I really appreciate that.

And thank you! I was trying to give him the same eyeshadow I use lol

And yee thatd be cool! He is able to travel to different times and dimensions so that would work xD It is his job after all


This is a site dedicated to the torment of cartoon horses. We are all cringe my guy


Will say though… you’re much braver than I to put your non-fluffy OCs on here! And putting your fluffy stuff off-site, too! I’m too wary of people connecting my fluffy stuff to my non-fluffy stuff to do that.

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Agreed but I’m guessing you must not be as familiar with some of the other members or some of the past history of this fandom as I am.

I was expecting you to chime in lol. Not all of get the Squeaky pass, you’re just too beloved lol.


I dont mind homestly. I dont post anythong but hugbox on my DA and on here Im wanting to explore other styles and such so its definently the place to do so.

Honestly originally Kito is a human character, at the time i just couldnt draw well and ended up giving him a sonic design. ^^;

Not really sadly. I only just started getting into it around xmas time. I watched alot of mlp stuff especially the virus infection stuff then fluffy pony stuff popped into my feed.

I got a friend like that. He ended up just sticking to the sonic designs. I’ve commissioned artwork from him though

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u.u I am honorereed